chapter 1(unknown power sphere)

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(finish editing)

Narrator pov-

After boboiboy and his friends were finish with their break on Earth they return to their daily missions on tapops. And today was no exception. they were getting ready for a mission to a planet called the holy planet (I made that name) this planet contains the power Spheres called the angelbot. Angelbot can detect if somebody is a good person or a bad person that's why the holy planet have Angelbot they want to use them to get advantage over other planets and take over them but tapops would not let them so they need to find them first. (A/N: ok what was i thinking when i wrote this sentence how does a bot that tells good or bad help with taking over planets)

"Are you ready now boboiboy?" Yaya said

"Yup lets go!" Boboiboy said

They left for the mission. But unannounced to boboiboy he had forgotten his power watch. He took it off to take a shower but forgot to put it back on.

Back with boboiboy-

They had landed on the holy planet and they landed in a forest. They looked around them and saw the beautiful trees of different colors and the scent of Sweetness in the air.

"Wow this place is beautiful!" Ying said as they looked around

"Yeah you're right, this place is really beautiful and the air smells so fresh" Yaya said

"Hey guys, enough looking around let's start looking for the power sphere" fang said

"Yeah the faster we find the power sphere the more you can look around" boboiboy said

They all went to search for the power sphere but they couldn't find it. They decided to look in a different place when they saw a cave with guards surrounding it.

"Do you guys think the power sphere is in there?" ochobot said

"I think so, probably" Gopal said

They walk closer and closer and saw that the guards were asleep.

"What type of guards sleeps at duty" fang said

They walked into the cave and saw the power sphere in the middle of the cave. They looked around to see if there are any guards around and took the power sphere. They knew tapops will need to talk with the king of the holy planet after the mission. They ran as fast as they could to the space ship before leaving.

"This mission is too easy feel like something's going to be bad" boboiboy thought

Boboiboy is right something bad is going to happen. As after a fe minutes their spaceship got attacked by space pirates they weren't big pirates or strong ones but they got numbers on their side.

"Boboiboy thunderstorm!" Boboiboy yelled before he ran and attacked the enemy spaceship

The enemy spaceship had too much people on their hands and they have one power sphere!?

Not just any power spare the same generation as ochobot!
It was unknown to tapops that there was such a power sphere.

Boboiboy and his teammates who's on the lookout for the power sphere as they don't know what it can do.

They were fighting with all they can then something hit them it was the power sphere before they blacked out they saw the reinforcement had come.

"Fang!? Gopal!? Yaya!? Ying!? Boboiboy!? Stay with us don't do blackout!" Was the last thing they heard before they blacked out

Back at tapops headquarters-

They got the power sphere from the space pirates. They tried to find what kind of power spare it was by questioning it. Boboiboy and him team was in the Infirmary. four out of all five of them have seem to Lost the consciousness and it is inside in one of them. They are still alive but their own consciousness are not in their own body, they're all in boboiboy's mind.

"What kind of power sphere are you?" Nut asked

" well I am called Spiritbot (;ŏ﹏ŏ)" the power sphere said

"Okay, so what can you do Spiritbot?" Kaizo asked

"I...I can put other people's consciousness into someone else's body a...and they can go into their spiritual mind and see if that person is more p...pure or more evil. I am the twin power sphere created with Angelbot (;;;・_・)" Spiritbot said

"What do you mean by twin?!" Kaizo said

"I was created with Angelbot" Spiritbot said

"Ok that is all we needed to know you can go charge now " nut said as they leave Spiritbot

Back with boboiboy and him friends-

Now that they had to answers on the unknown power sphere powers. They now know why they are all in a coma but they can't get the consciousness of the kids back to their original bodies they need to wait until Spiritbot is finished charging and they don't know how long it will take.

It seems that they have to wait.

End of chapter one (The unknown power sphere)

Hi I'm back and I'm ready to write again!

Oh and if you're new here hi I'm the Author. Yep just an Author.

Also if you're new here please read my other books.

So some of my fan probably be wondering what happens to the book (8 souls 1 body) well I gave up on it but I have this new book in return so be happy and stay happy.

I have probably have some inspiration from another Author in this book.

Anyway ciao people!

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