chapter 4 (thorn?)

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Narrator pov-

After a long night of sleep the five kids are fully awake and ready to go.

"Awww do you guys have to go😞" said cyclone

"Umm yeah we have to.. we don't know why you are not in boboiboy's watch🤔" fang said

After that they left and started to walk back the the other paths.

They walked and walked until they have reached to paths. They looked at each sign and decided to walk to the one with the leaf logo.

"Let's go here 👉" boboiboy said as he points to the sign with the leaf logo

They all agreed and walked to the path and down. As they walk there were more and more trees and plant.

"Hey was that plant moving!😱" Gopal said

"Gopal plants can't mov- holy mozzarella and cheese! 😱" Ying yelled as there was a plant moving.

All of them decided to run for the exit and as they ran to the exit they found a house and a swing on a tree. The house has a tint of light green on it. Has a lot of flowers and different plants around it it was beautiful smell of sweet flowers in the air has almost had the aroma to put people to sleep, but boboiboy and his team needs to run from the monster behind them.

"Ahhhhhhh! Let use that house as shelter! 😫" Yelled boboiboy

They all ran in the house and close the door as fast as they could.

"Huh? What are you guys doing here?🤔" ??? Said

"Who's there!?😲" Yelled Yaya

"Huh!? you guys don't recognize me it's me thorn😥" thorn said

"Thorn! How are you here aren't you supposed to be in boboiboy's watch?🧐" Yelled Gopal

"I don't get what you're saying🤭" thorn said

He took down the milk he was drinking and got up to hug boboiboy.

"I miss you ori!🤗" Said thorn

Boboiboy was confused on who thorn was calling he doesn't know anybody by the name Ori.

"I'm not ori by the way  don't know who that is?🤨" Boboiboy said

"Huh but Ori you are Ori☺️" thorn said

After a while of going back and forth boboiboy figure it out that thorn called him Ori. Yaya, ying, and fang were literally facepalm. Gopal was still confused but ying told him why he means. After that during keep telling them to play with him. They said yes and thorn took them outside to the tree swing. Boboiboy and thorn was on the swing while the others push them the played and played.

And soon it has become dark. The only light that can be seen is the few little plants that can glow.

They decided to go inside and play in there.

Please let them to the game room it looks like cyclones game room but it's more green has tons of plants everywhere and the flower scent is more sweet.

"Wow this place is amazing, thorn you have amazing home! 🤩" Gopal said

"Thanks! 😊" Thorn said still hugging boboiboy.

After a while playing they decided to go watch a movie.

"What movie should we watch today.... 🧐 We should watch this one" fang said as he took out a movie called end game

"Umm can we pick a different one..😞" thorn said

"Nope! Anyways let's watch! 😁" Fang said

They start to watch the movie, thorn doing was hiding behind boboiboy. They had popcorn and was eating it seriously Yaya was crying scenes. Ying cover her eyes when something bad happens where there's blood everywhere. Fang and gopal  was just watching the movie like it was the best thing to have ever seen.

After the movie they all decide to clean up eat dinner and freshen up until they went to the room to sleep do you notice the same color rooms form cyclones house but instead of green they have dark blue 💙.

But they ignore it and went to sleep.

I'm so tired but I hope you guys enjoy reading this short chapter anyways I need to go now so.

Author out!

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