chapter 11 (helping solar)

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Narrator pov-

After gempa explained why solar is acting like this boboiboy and the other elements and the team looked at solar with shocked eyes.

"Is solar going to be ok like this😟" boboiboy asked

"Actually he have been like this before😓" gempa said

"Wait really!?😦" Thorn said

"Yeah after the battle with ra'taka 
acted like this😔" gempa said

Boboiboy looks at solar and solar looked back. Solar smiled at boboiboy and ran to him hugging him. Boboiboy hugged solar and looked at gempa.

"Actually solar made a potions to help him form this but we need to go to his realm😅" gempa said

"Really than that is good! 😃" Cyclone said

Everyone agrees and was waiting for gempa to tell them to be ready to go to solar realms.

"But let's go tomorrow solar will need to calm done a little more🙁" gempa said

The group of teens were shocked about what gempa said but understand why he had said that.

Everyone went in to the house and sat down on the couch.

As boboiboy looked at solar he noticed that solar's body has gotten smaller he looked like he was about 9 years old. And it seems like the other elements noticed too especially thorn.

"Awww solar is so little 😍" thorn said and the others looked at solar and also notice

"Awww so cute🤩" blaze and cyclone said

"Tch why is he getting smaller 😒" thunderstorm asked

"Well I don't actually know why he is getting smaller but maybe it is a side affects 🤨" gempa said

"Waaaaa! He is so cute can I adopt her 😆" the girls yelled

"Nooooo you are not having him!😡" Boboiboy said as he hugged solar tighter

" Huh Ori what is it? ☺️" Solar asked as he looked at boboiboy

After a while of talking everyone was going to sleep all the elements are going to stay at the same room. Their room only a huge bed and all the elements can fit it. The ttm (trio trouble maker) were yelling at each other   to see who will sleep nexts to solar and boboiboy.

"I am going to sleep with solar and Ori!😡" Thorn yelled

"No I am! 😠" Blaze yelled

"no me! 😤" Cyclone Yelled

"If you guys keep fighting I will😒" ice said

The ttm looked at ice and saw that he was already next to solar and asleep.

They wanted to wake ice up but done what to wake up solar so they left and went to sleep on the other side of the bed.

(There is a nightlight in the room so solar won't be scared)

Time skip-
the next day-

Gempa woke up first and started to make breakfast then the elements all woken up (solar is still in boboiboy's arms)

The team also woken up and they ate breakfast before leaving to go to solar's realm.

"Are you all ready!?" Yelled gempa

"Yes we are!" Said the trouble maker trio

"Yup 👍" said the others

"Ok now let's get going" gempa said as they started to walk down the path and in to solar's realm.

After they reached in solar's house they walked into the kitchen and most of them sat down to relax your legs a little while the rest of them went up to his lab to find the potion.

"Do you guys see the potion anywhere 🧐" asked gempa

"No we haven't seen the potion anywhere I'm going to search the room's 😁" said the team

The team walk towards solar's room and open the door to see a glass box with the words "important vile"

"I think this is the potion so I once told me about this potion and he said it's called "important vile" The stranger name if I say so myself 😀" thorn said as he sees boboiboy walk over to the potion.

Boboiboy open the glass box and took out the bottle and then walk towards solar that was just standing behind gempa.

"Sonic can you please drink this for us it's important 😊" boboiboy sad and the nicest voice possible

"I don't want to it doesn't smell good and not edible,😤" solar said the cutest voice ever

"Come on you need to drink it we need you to get better or else I don't know what to do 😅" gempa said trying to pursue solar to drink the vial.

"I won't! 😤" Solar said

"Drink the goddamn vile solar if you don't I'm going to hit you! 😡" Thunderstorm said as he put the vial in front of solar

"Y..y.y.yes .... T..t.thundy...." soar said trying not to cry

You were drunk the vile, after that he was looking very sleepy.

"Ori, I'm sleepy 😪" said solar as he pulled on boboiboy's jacket thunder boys jacket.

"Okay let's get you to bed" boboiboy said

he lifted solar up put him on the bed after that everybody was getting ready for bed. for some reason they found five more bedrooms so the group decided to sleep in those five extra bedrooms.

Hey guys I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a while motivation go away I am not feeling the best of moves to right lately but I hope this child could make up for the lack of chapters I'm going to make the next chapter in a few weeks or so i hope this chapter will satisfy you.

Author out!

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