chapter 6 (thunderstorm!)

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Narrator pov-

Boboiboy has woken up form his sleep and left the room he was in. When he got out the light blue room he realized something the room was colder than the house.

"Why is the room colder than the rest of the house?🤔" Boboiboy thought but ignored it

As he walk to the kitchen he saw that everyone was awake.

"Hey guys how was your sleep 😀" boboiboy asked

"Terrible...😩" Gopal said

"Same 😓" the others agreed (not blaze tho)

"Come on guys it can't be that bad!😅" Said boboiboy

"We were drenched in sweat the whole night..😡" fang said

Boboiboy decided to stay quiet.

After they eat their breakfast they decided to as soon as they open the front door they felt a heatwave in their face.

"Holy macaroni and cheese!😱" Yelled ying

The whole forehead was literally sweating.

They decided to run as fast as they could out of there.

"Ummm bye blaze! 👋" They yelled as they were running towards path.

As soon as they reach the path they realized It was much cooler on the path.

"Wow, I don't ever want to go to blaze's home ever again😳" Yaya said

"Yup I agree😳" fang said

The first one to the house that they came into change others so they won't look too dirty to go to a different place. After that they went back to the paths.

"Okay let's discuss our plan or what we have learned here" ying said

They discussed about-

Why were there elements here?
Still need a answer.

The rooms colors?
Blue- cyclone's
Light blue- ???
Red- ????
Orange- blaze's
Green- thorn's
Brown- ???
Yellow/white- ???

Where are we?
They know that they are not on the planet or any planet they know.
but they don't know where they are.

End of discussion.

"And that is all we know so far right?🧐" Yaya said

"Yup that is all we know" boboiboy said

"Ok now that we are done, we need to choose which place should we go nexts?😑" fang Said

"Let's go to this one👉" ying said pointing to the sign with the lightning logo on it

"Ok😀" the others agreed

They started to walk down the path with the sign that has the lightning.logo on it. They walk and walked down the path he noticed the sky getting darker filled with dark clouds.

Take thought it was going to rain but this was no rain at all. They decide to ignore it and keep walking. That's when they heard lightning. But there were no rain to be seen. When they reached the end of the path, they could see red lightning everywhere.

They walked to the little house to see where the lightning wasn't able to touch.

That was when lightning struck next to the group, But missed.

"Oh my back touchdown too would have been fried! 😱" Gopal said

That's when they see figure wearing red and black come out of the house.

"Huh!? what are you guys doing here!🤔" Said thunderstorm

He wants closer to them and told them to follow him. And they did they went in to the house. A was gaven a cup of tea 🍵.

"So what were you guys doing here 🤨" thunderstorm said

"We just wanted to be here is that wrong 😧" boboiboy said

"Not wrong Ori😳" thunderstorm said

After they finish drinking their tea, they went to the theater room because they have nothing better to do. And thunderstorm refuses to watch scary movies.

"I'm never going to watch those movies!😡" Thunderstorm yelled

"Come on it is not that bad😅" Yaya said

After 10 minutes of trying to get thunderstorm to watch the movie. Boboiboy have to step in to get thunderstorm to watch.

2 hours later-

After 2 hours of hearing thunderstorm scream the movie is finally finished.

"Wow that movie wasn't that scary. 😐" Thunderstorm said getting up

"... really 😑" the group said

"Anyways it's getting late we should go to sleep 😔" thunderstorm said

"Yeah it's getting pretty late we should sleep now☺️" ying said

Thunderstorm went to his room (which was red by the way) and the others went a to the other rooms.

After a little while they went to sleep. (They already did their night routine before they went to sleep)

Room colors-
Blue- cyclone's
Light blue- ???
Red- thunderstorm's
Orange- blaze's
Green- thorn's
Brown- ???
Yellow/white- ???

End of chapter 6 (thunderstorm)

Sorry I posted super late I was asleep but I hope you guys like it.

Author out 😁

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