chapter 9 (solar's fear)

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Boboiboy pov-

I woken by the smell of food being cooked. I walked down to the kitchen after I changed in to my clothes.

I can see gempa in the kitchen cooking.

"Oh hi Ori!😊" Gempa said to me

" Oh hi gempa 😅 do you need help ☺️" I said back to gempa

"No I am almost done so no need to help 😀' gempa said

"Ok than (-_-;)" I said back

I was about to walk away when gempa asked to me to do something.

"Actually can you call the others please 😅" gempa said

"Yes I can I will go call them now😊" I said

I walked to the rooms of the others.

"Hey wake up fang, breakfast is almost done ( ╹▽╹ )" I called

"Ok I will came In a few minutes" he said

I wake to the others rooms and called them.

After I finished calling them, gempa finish cooking and we went down to eat them amazing food.

After we ate we were ready to leave.

End of boboiboy pov-
Narrator pov-

After they have left the house we went to the path. We walked down the path and came back to the paths

"Ok now we only have one more path to go 😃" Gopal said

"Yup 👍" ying said

"I bet it is solar ☺️" Yaya said

"I mean it is the only element we haven't seen yet😒" fang said

"Fang stop being dumb we already know 😐" boboiboy said

"You know what let's just go😔" Yaya said

After they finish talking, they  walk down they path and can see they sun 🔆 that is super bright and plants. It was beautiful and the plants were colorful and different form thorns home that is green while these plants are pink, blue, yellow, green, purple and more.

They started to knock on the door. Before the door open.

"Hello who is there I am coming 🙁" the voice inside the house.

The door open revealing solar in a white coat.

"Umm hi 😅" boboiboy said

"Oh hi Ori 😀" solar said

"So can we come in?😊" Boboiboy said

"Ah yes come in ☺️" solar said

They walked in and can see that I is clean but than walk around a little more before seeing a room that they never seen in the other elements home. A experiment room, a room full of potions and different liquids.

"Wow what is this!🤩" Gopal said as he picked up a potions

"Wait put that down it is unsafe!😱" Solar yelled

"Ahh ok!😲" Gopal yelled puting down the potions.

After that solar led them to the game room that was filled with books and other science's games.

After awhile the team were getting tired. And went to the rooms to sleep.

Time skip-

It is a midnight and boboiboy had woken up and went to hebsome water before the lights went out and he heated a scream form solar's lab. He ran to solars lab before he saw solar in the corner of the room trembling.

"Are you ok!😱" Boboiboy yelled running to solar trying to comfort him

"I...I'm f..f..find...(;ŏ﹏ŏ)" Solar said trembling.

Boboiboy walked solar to his room (that is yellow/white) and sat solar down on is bed. The lights turn back on and solar stopped trembling and fell asleep hugging boboiboy not letting go.

"Why is he so scared of the dark" boboiboy thought but fell asleep after a while.

-What actually happened-

Gopal's pov-

I was walking to the kitchen after I had woken up to form my sleep before I grew hungry and started to open the fridge and took out ice cream chips and more before i sat down and started eating. After a while I was kicking my feet I kicked something and the lights turned off!? I looked down and saw that I kicked the fuse box. And I tried to fix it and I did it!? But than I ran to the room I staying at and fell sleep.

End of gopal's pov-

Blue- cyclone's
Light blue- ice's
Red- thunderstorm's
Orange- blaze's
Green- thorn's
Brown- gempa's
Yellow/white- solar's

End of chapter 9 (solar's fears)

I am so happy with this chapter! But I hoped that it would be longer but this is good too anyways bye!

Author out!

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