chapter 5 (blaze!)

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Boboiboy pov-

It's been like three days since we landed on this place.😔 I don't even know if this is a planet but it's so strange why do I see my elements here they aren't in my watch!🤨 and the most confusing part is that I'm not even wearing my watch!🤔

"Good morning! 😊" Thorn said as he jumped towards me and gave me a big fat hug

"Good morning to you too thorn 😅" I said as I tried to breathe in the big fat hug he gave

"Well enough with the hugging we need to get going😑" fang said as he open the front door

"Yeah come on boboiboy!🤦" Yaya said walking out the door

We all said bye to thorn, he was waving bye at us and trying his hardest not to cry seeing us leave.

End of boboiboy pov-
Narrator pov-

As they walked out of the forest they spot the plant monster that chased them again. As soon as they spotted it Gopal ran as fast as he could out of the forest.

Boboiboy and the others (but Gopal) twisted after him to the exit of the forest.

Soon as they reach the end of the pat they stop running. And now they need   to pick which "realm" go to next.

"So where next..😐" ying said

"I don't know but let's pick one that we can finally relaxing in😓"  Yaya said breathing heavily.

"I agree with Yaya, we need some place to relax and not run away from scary monsters😰" Gopal said

"Well let's pick that one 👉" fang said as he points to the sign that has the blaze logo on it

"I have a bad feeling about this one 😖" boboiboy said as he tries to redirect they want to go

"Come on boboiboy it can't be that bad 🙄" Gopal said

"If you're sure then let's go😣" boboiboy said

They start walking down the path but I don't like the other way the temperature gets cooler or more nicer they felt a heat wave coming towards them.

"Why is it so hot 😫" Gopal complained

"I don't know but do you guys see lava or is it just me" fang said

They weren't daydreaming because when they I'm finally walked to the end of the path they saw a volcano that has lava coming out form on top of it and the temperature was super hot.

"So gopal do you want to rethink which place to go😑" boboiboy sad as he looks at Gopal with a motome look.

"...😶" gopal had no words to say

They decided to walk around a little bit to see if they can find anything around. But their hopes are very low since there's lava literally everywhere.

But that's when they stumble upon a humble little house.

"Who in there right mind will live in somewhere like this!🧐" Yaya said

They walk to the little house and knocked on the door.

"Hello is anybody in there if so we're going to open the door and go in if you don't want us to say no 😧" ying said

The door open showing blaze!?

"No don't stay out here guys come in come in I have a lot of things to show you! 😀" blaze said as he welcome them in.

They went into the house and surprisingly it wasn't as hot as the outside.

They sat down on the chairs and started to look at the food that blaze prepared for them. It was a lot of cookies.

"Ummm Blaze we have a question that we want to ask why are you cyclone in doing not in the power watch?😅" Fang said

"Don't know! come on let's just play😊" blood said and drag them to a room that has a ball pit.

The group sign as they we're dragged In to play with another one of boboiboy's elements.

They played and played until the sky grew darker than it was already. Blaze yawns as he grew tried and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm tired how about we all go to sleep *yawn* 😴" blaze said as he walked his own room

The group also was very tired since blaze wasn't a very kind player. They all went to the guest rooms. All the colors were the same but now there's no longer a red room 🍒 and now there's a green room 🍏.

After all they finally drift down to sleep with a long day it has been.

Oh my God I did this last minute.

But I hope you guys love my story because I've been working very hard on these stories and this is not the end of the story if you can certain it's not going to be only five chapters like my other stories it's going to have more and more if I keep going at this rate.

But anyways you know the drill.

Author out!

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