chapter 10 (elements reunion)

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Boboiboy pov-

As I have woken up form my sleep I can see that solar were clinging on to my arm and tried to wake him form his sleep but he wouldn't wake so I called him.

"Hey wake up solar ☺️" I called

"Huh, oh good morning Ori😊"  solar said innocently

Ok what has happened to solar!?

But I ignored it and went down to the kitchen to see Yaya cooking. (By the way solar is still clinging on to boboiboy)

"Oh hi boboiboy 😄" Yaya said as he looked at solar

"Oh solar your still here 😮" I said as I looked at solar still holding my arm

"Y..yes ...😟" Solar said as he looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

After that we sat down and was ready to eat to breakfast. And than solar asked

"Can I go with you guys out? 😔" Solar asked

"Of course you can solar 😊" ying said smiling

Solar smiled back and continue eating.

After we have finished eating we was ready to leave solar walked with us.

End of boboiboy's pov-
Narrator pov-

They were on the path back to the house that they first found but saw the other elements!

"Gempa! Thorn! Blaze! Ice! Cyclone! Thunderstorm! What are you guys doing here! 😮" Fang said

"Oh hi 👋☺️ " cyclone said

The elements walked to the group of teens.

"Hey solar! 😊" Thorn said

Solar smiled at thorn which made the elements shocked.

"What happened to solar?😱" Blaze said

"He been like this since last night😓" boboiboy said

Solar hid behind boboiboy looking at gempa, before he ran to gempa hugging him.

"What happened last night? 😳" Gempa said hugging solar

"Well I woken up to get some water before the lights went out and solar screamed and his ran to the corner of his labs. Until I came and walked him to his room. He fell asleep after awhile and than when he woken up he acted like that" boboiboy said

"Oh my god! Did you say the lights went off!😱" Gempa said

"Ummm yes 🤨" boboiboy said

"Solar have a fear of the dark! And he will have a mental breakdown!😧" Gempa yelled

"What!?😱" The team yelled

After that all if the elements tried to help solar but nothing were working.

What can help solar😓.

End of chapter 10 (elements reunion)

super short chapter today

Author out 😟

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