chapter 3 (realms? cyclone?)

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Narrator pov-

After the night has passed they all woken up and went down to the kitchen to get some food before they look around more.

They saw a river and flowers rocks, trees and the green grass. It was beautiful my beautiful than the holy planet they have been on. It is more relaxing to be here than the holy planet.

They walk around and than Gopal stubble on to a path.

"Hey guys there is a path here!😲" Gopal yelled a the others ran to him

"Maybe We should follow it🤔" fang said as he started to follow the path

As the walk down the path there were more and more trees. Before a while there were 7 different paths in front of them.

"Oh no what path should we take!? 😱" Ying said

"We can go to this one👉" boboiboy said as her point to the one that have the wind logo with the word realm on it.

"Well let's go than 😁" Yaya said as they walked down the path

Started to notice that the wind was getting stronger and stronger as they walked. Then they came to a stop.

What they saw in front of them was it what they expected. They saw a huge wall that has the cyclone logo on it, the wall has a slight tent of dark blue on it.

"Should we go in? 🙁" Fang asked

"Yeah we should to see what is inside of this big wall 🧐" ying said

They walked in and saw a big house/ the only house they saw in the place and a park there was very strong wind and tornadoes around. The tornadoes didn't move from their place.

That was when they saw a boy in dark blue with a little white on it. The most thing they can see is that he looks like boboiboy when he is in cyclone from!?

"Boboiboy? But how! 😧" Gopal yelled

"Oh hi guys ☺️" the boboiboy lookalike said

"Who are you! 😡" Fang yelled

"Calm down it's me boboiboy cyclone 🤗" he said

"But you can't be boboiboy cyclone because boboiboy is right here 🤨" Yaya said pointing to boboiboy next to her

"You know what nevermind that come play with me! ☺️" Cyclone said dragging the team to the park

Time skip-

After they played for 2 hours cyclone got tired and invited they team to his house.

"So now can you tell us how are you out of boboiboy 😓" ying said sweating

"Yeah I what to know to 🤨" boboiboy said

"I don't know to be honest 🤷" cyclone said eating the food that he has on his plate

After dinner the team looked around the house. It was pretty big and have lots of rooms. They have found the-

Movie room
Music room
Dinning room
Game room
Secret room

They found the secret room on accidentally when they were making popcorn in the movie room.

With boboiboy-

Boboiboy saw a lot of pictures of cyclone, thorn, and blaze around and just thought of one thing ttm/tmt other known as trio trouble maker/trouble maker trio that was all he seems to be thinking looking at the picture of them. But after finally found cyclone room he see a lot of Blue around and a hoverboard.

With fang-

He was chilling in one of the 6 guess bedrooms. He notices each room have a different color scheme than cyclone's room. The colors were orange 🍊, red 🍒, light blue 🐟, green 🍏, brown 🐻, and yellow 🐤. Fang is wondering why is all the rooms different colors and not just gray.

With Gopal-

He has the kitchen to himself as the was just eating everything. He saw that there was a lot of ice cream and ate it all.

With yaya-

She was with cyclone in the game room playing in the ball pit, and reading stories together. They were having a amazing time untill Yaya took out her cookies that made cyclone run as fast as he can. (Poor him 😓)

With ying-

she was just watching cyclone get chase by Yaya with he cookies in her hands. She was saying her prayers to cyclone as he was about to die from yay's cookies

After a while they all got clean and was off to bed. Yaya was in the red room 🍒, ying was in the light blue room 🐟, Gopal was in the green room 🍏, fang was in the brown room 🐻, and boboiboy was in the yellow room. After a little more talking they  they all went to sleep....

End of chapter 3 (realms? Cyclone?)

Sorry for the late post I was a little tired today so I hope you enjoy the story and no is not the best but it's a story hope you guys enjoy.

I just want to say I'm thankful for people that been with me since the start of my career as a writer in Wattpad I mean just a fun little story time or free time I had to write these stories for you but my stories have gotten more and more views lately and I'm very happy for it so I'm very thankful ☺️

Anyways Author out 😁

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