chapter 2 (where are we?)

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Previously on welcome to my mind-
Boboiboy and his friends were hit by a power spare called Spiritbot after there mission to get Angelbot. They found out that the powers of the power spare takes other people's consciousness to another body's spirit/mind.

They can't help the kids because Spiritbot used all his power to put them in boboiboy's mind and they don't know how long it will take them to regain their power.

Boboiboy pov-

Where am I it is so bright..😖

I look around to see what kind of  environment I am in. I saw a field of grass and a few trees. Than I saw ying, Yaya, fang, and Gopal on the grass unconscious.
I ran to them.

"Fang!? Yaya!? Ying!? Gopal!? Wake up!😧" I yelled

But none of them moved. I thought of the worse that could have happened but than fang started to wake up!

"Fang!?😀" I yelled as I ran to him

"Ugh!😩 What happened boboiboy? And where are we?🤨" He asked

"I don't know it feels familiar to me but I can't put my finger on it. 🙁" I said as ying, Yaya, and Gopal starts to get up.

After we all fully woken we all have a small meeting and we all went to look around. When I saw a house in the distance.

"Hey guys I see a house over there!👉" I yelled everyone went to the place I was at

"We could go there to see if someone live there and ask if he know where we are😮" Gopal said

So we did what he said but no one answered the door. The door was unlocked and we walked in.

After we had walked in we saw a lot of pictures of me and my friends mechabot and my dad.

"Where in the universe are we!? 😨" Yaya and ying yelled

"And how did they have so much pictures of us and boboiboy and this power spare? 🧐" Fang said

But then I realized that I have seen this place before!?

"Guys I think I know where we are at😥" I said

"Really where?" They all yelled

"Well not exactly where but I seen this place before I been have dreams of this place ever since we finish fight with retak'ka😓" I  said

"Really!?😲" They all yelled

"Wow maybe you can predict the future!🤩" Gopal said

"That would be awesome!👍" I said

End of boboiboy pov-
Narrator pov-

Than they saw that boboiboy didn't have his power watch on!?

"Boboiboy you don't have your power watch!?😫" Yaya said

"Wait really!!😧 I must have forgotten to put it back on when I went to the bathroom😲" Boboiboy  yelled

"But didn't you use your powers when you were fighting the space pirates? 🤨" Ying said

"Yeah I did🤔" boboiboy said not knowing why that happened

"Now that I think about it I been feeling odd since the fight with  retak'ka🧐" boboiboy said as they look around the house

They saw 5 rooms each room has a color that one of the favorite color.

"Looks like this house was like waiting for us to come,🤨 but houses can't wait for people then how🤔" fang said as he open the last room

In the room there was a big purple bed and wall paint. The all finish looking around and Gopal started to raid the kitchen for food.

Yes settle down in their respective room they choose and start thinking about what happened.

End of narrator pov-
Fang pov-

Ok let me think about what have happened today.🧐

1. We went to save Anglebot☺️

2. We got attacked by space pirates😟

3. We got hit by a 9th generation power spare😱

4. Got sent to a unknown place😧

5. Found a house that is not ours but have a lot of pictures of boboiboy and a power spare🤨

6. House seen to have been waiting for us🤔

That is all we know so far we should look around more tomorrow it is getting late I need to sleep. 😴

End of fang pov-

End of chapter 2 (where are we)

Hey guys it is I the Author this story maybe fast but I will use all of my Brian cells to get this the best I can!

Anyways Author out! 😁

welcome to my mind (boboiboy au)Where stories live. Discover now