chapter 7 (ice.)

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Narrator pov-

They woke up from their sleep and went downstairs to the kitchen and sat down and ate their breakfast.

"Wow thunderstorm did you cook this! 🤩" Yaya said

"Yeah have a problem with it 😒" thunderstorm said

"No not at all, just that it looks amazing 😄" Yaya said

After that boboiboy and the other were getting ready to leave. Before thunderstorms said

"I should go with you guys well to the path of course since I don't want you guys to be fried to Chris by the lightning 😒"

"Yes we were very much like you to your company accidents thank you for offering" ying said

"Yup👍" boboiboy said

They all walked out of the house starting to walk to the path. Lightning truck everywhere but the house and them.

"Thanks for coming with us thunderstorm if it weren't for you, we would have been fry to a crisp by the lightning😄" fang said

"..😏" thunderstorm smirked

When they reached the path they all said by to thunderstorm. Before going to the end of the paths.

"Well we're finally back to the place we started! 😄" Yaya said

"you know what's weird why is boboiboy's elements here 🤨"  ying said

"Yeah we seen about four elements here 🧐" Gopal said

"I guess we need to look around more to find out 😔" fang said

"I agree with fang, we do need to look around more 🤔" boboiboy said

They discussed more and more about why boboiboy's elements are here and how they are here.

"Okay enough of the talking we need look around more 😡" Yaya said

"So what is the next place we should go🤨" Gopal asked

"I think that one 👉" bubble I said as she was pointing to the one with the ice logo on it

(I forgot to mention that boboiboy is the only one that can see The logos)

"Okay we will trust your judgment boboiboy" fang said

The walk down the path and as they walk down they can feel the temperature of the air is dropping and they can see snow falling

"Is this snow? 🧐" Yaya said

"Yeah it is you know it would have been better if we came here before we went to lightning home place.😑" Gopal said

"Yeah it would have been better because of the cold temperature here and blazes home is super hot🤔" fang said

They walk down and down after they reached the end of the path they could see nothing but snow. It wasn't a snowstorm but peaceful snow falling down from the sky calmly.

"Wow it's so beautiful here 🤩" ying said

"Yeah but it's c..cold!😖" Boboiboy said

The walk down the snowy field. When they suddenly see a person wearing a light blue jacket with a hat.

"Hey can you hear us!🙌" Yelled Yaya and ying

"Huh Yaya, ying, Gopal, fang what are you doing here 🤨" ice said a he walked closer

"Umm . I'm also here 😔🖐️" boboiboy said

"Ori hi☺️" ice said

"Can you lead us to your house please, is a little cold here 😊" Yaya said

"Sure I can 🙁" ice said

They started to walk towards the South. When I started to take off his jacket.

"I said okay I'm not that good you can keep your jacket 😅" ying said

"..." Ice said nothing

"No really it's okay 😅" ying said

Ice walk towards ying but then went past her to boboiboy.

"Ori don he sick please😨" ice said

"..(・-・)" ying was shocked

"You seem to over estimate what he is doing ying 😆" Gopal said trying to make fun of her

"Shut up 😒" ying said walking faster

(If you know the reference then you know)

After you got to the house it wasn't that dark outside. But it was clearly cold. The house was cozy it has a small fireplace.  The group goes to the fireplace to warm up.

"I will prepare something to eat you guys can warm up a little 🙁" ice said as he walked to the kitchen

The group sit by the fireplace and look though the house. They can see  that the rooms were the same but ice's room was light blue.

I finished cooking his beautiful lunch/dinner. and called everybody to eat.

After that everybody fainted to their own guess rooms.

( They cleaned up before they sleep)

End of chapter 7

Blue- cyclone's
Light blue- ice's
Red- thunderstorm's
Orange- blaze's
Green- thorn's
Brown- ???
Yellow/white- ???

Late Upload check
Sorry for the late upload
I hope that it wouldn't be like this tomorrow but I don't think it would be real but anyways I need to go.

So Author out 😁

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