Summary of what would have happened if the stories were to be finish

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   Narrator pov-

While siting near the pond/lake boboiboy, the elements and team they saw two shadows coming to them.

"Who's there!" Yelled thunder as he gotten up on to fighting stance 

The others did the same and she the 2 fingers getting closer and closer until they saw that it was...

"Captain Kaizo! admiral! What are you guys doing here!" Yelled yaya, ying, gopal, fang, and boboiboy

"We came to get you but you guys look perfectly fine to us" kaizo said

"You did? did spiritbot stop working because we been here for more then a week now" asked yaya

"Yes he did and now he is in full energy and you can all go back now and get back to work" admiral said

"Can we just say goodbye to the elements before we go please?" Said boboiboy 

"The elements? But we saw that you didn't have your watch on!?" Kaizo said

"There is a simple answer we have fused into his body and now is part of his soul" said solar

"Now that I saw the elements how come I didn't notice you didn't have your watch while on your mission" said Kaizo

"Yeah I forgot to put it back on in the morning that day" said boboiboy 

They talked for a while before the group told them what happened while they were looking for a way out

"Wow that is crazy, but enough talking we need to get back to work" said Kaizo

"He is right you guys need to makeup for all they time you guys were out for" said admiral

"Yes !" Said the group giving the tapops salute

After a while they spiritbot got them out of boboiboys mind and into the real world again. But after that day no one can forget their Adventure drought out boboiboys mind.

The end

 I know a lot of people wanted to know what happened after so this is all i can help you people with if it is not good it is because I and doing this very fast and not worrying about it that much so I how you like it! Bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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