question about my boboiboy lunar AU

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Hey people

So I am going to talk about my AU of boboiboy lunar

Well let's get on to it-

What personality does boboiboy lunar hold?

Boboiboy lunar holds the quite and  sadness of boboiboy. He also gets some of the calmness and well more of a stable personality and is more of a introverted than many of the elements.

Which element is he most clam around?

Boboiboy lunar mostly hang around solar but sometimes hang around earthquake. reasons why he hang around solar most of the time is because your opposites in well in my AU they are twins they were created by the same Creator and  created at the same time. Most of the time lunar will hide behind solar when he gets scared.

How powerful is boboiboy lunar?

To be honest he's weaker than solar but stronger than blaze and ice. He can't be thunderstorm reason mainly because thunderstorm has more experience than him.

How well does he get along with the other elements?

• with ice he and him are sleeping buddies

• with blaze they get alone well blaze always make him laugh at least once

• gempa is like a mom to him

• thunderstorm won't show it but he cares about him and the other elements especially to solar.

• thorn is someone who can get him to smile

• cyclone is the same to thorn

• we all know that they are bff's

Who is older lunar or solar?

Some people say solar but in my AU solar is the youngest twin and lunar is the older twin. Luna is very overprotective but he is also shy. Reason why lunar is older in my AU is because I think he make a great big bro

And that's all for my boboiboy lunar au. I hope you learn more about my AU.

I know this was a quite a random chapter but I need to get this off my mind.

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