chapter 8 (mama gempa!)

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Boboiboy pov-

I woke up form my long night asleep. It was the best sleep I ever had since I keep hearing loud thunder noises in thunderstorm's place, ice's home is nice and calm.

I got dressed and was ready to go down to the first floor when I suddenly hear Gopal yell.

"Is everything all right down there! 😲" I yelled rushing down

And I got to the kitchen I see Gopal on the floor crying. And his food on the ground.

"Everything is all right it's just that gopal drop his food😅" Yaya said

"Come on gopal isn't that bad!😐" Ying said

"My food 😭" Gopal cried

After that gopal got another plate of food he stopped crying and went to eat it.

After we finish eating it was time to leave.

End Boboiboy pov-
Narrator pov-

"Hey boboiboy, here 🙁" ice said handing over his jacket to boboiboy.

"OMG thanks!" Boboiboy said

Boboiboy took the jacket and put it on.

"I will give it back to you when I come back okay ☺️" boboiboy said

"Actually once you take it off it would just come back to me ☺️" ice said

"Wow that's cool thanks 😊" boboiboy said

"Umm did they realize you're also here 🤨" yaya said

" I don't think so 😓" fang said

Ice turn to the others.

"Bye.🙁" Ice said

"Bye I guess 😅" ying said

They left on their way to the path. They walk down the snowy place in down to the path just no got thinner and thinner as they reached closer to the path.

After a while they got to the path and boboiboy took off ice's jacket an the jacket disappeared.

"Wow I guess it really does go back to ice once I take it off 😊" boboiboy said

"Y...yeah g..good f..for" Gopal said

The group (but boboiboy) was freezing in the snow. And they decided to go back to the main house and warm up a little before going to a different path.

Time skip-
1 hour later-

"Is everybody warmed up now because we need to get going 😑" fang said

"Yep we're all ready to go to the next place 😊" Yaya said

They walk back to the multiple paths and now are deciding out of two paths left to go.

"How about we go to that one I can't really tell which ones which so let's go to that one 👉" Yaya said pointing at the sign with the earth logo on it.

"All right then shall we get going 🙂" fang said

The walk down the path and they realize there was less trees the more they walked and more rocks are visible. They stopped to get a little break and started to talk.

"So which element do you think this is ying 😌" Gopal said

"It's probably gempa ⛰️ from all the rocks here even though there's a lot of rocks this place is still beautiful 😊" ying said

"Yeah I also think it is gempa😅" boboiboy said

After you talk a while they started to walk again when they see a little house in the mountain of Rocks.

They walked towards the house and gave it a little knock.

"Hello is anybody home 😁" fang said

"Ah yes Im coming! Please wait a little I'm trying to get things fixed 😅" they can hear gempa's voice in there

"No it's okay take your time we have no problem waiting 😀" ying said

The door open revealing gempa wearing a apron.

"Hi sorry I was a little late opening the door 😊" gempa said

"No it's okay by the way what were you doing? 🤨" Boboiboy asked

"I was just cooking I heard that there would be gifts over today so I cooked in advance ☺️" gempa said

"You didn't have to cook by yourself if you asked us we could have helped🙌😅" boboiboy said

"No no how can I let guests help 😱" gempa said

"Well if you insist then we won't help 😓" Yaya said

"Oh How can i be so forgetful come in come in☺️" gempa said

They walked into the house that was neatly cleaned and some small plants near windows. They sat down on the table where the food was already neatly plated.

"I have some food I hope you guys are hungry because I cook lots 😁" gempa said

"Thanks for the food! 😃Gopal said as he started eating

After they finish eating take decided to watch/play a little before going to bed.

Play in the game room and found out that gempa's room is a brown color.

After a while they went to bed and fell asleep on the soft mattresses.

Blue- cyclone's
Light blue- ice's
Red- thunderstorm's
Orange- blaze's
Green- thorn's
Brown- gempa's
Yellow/white- ???

End of chapter 8

Oh my God I am so sorry for the late update
I had a doctor's appointment today so I hope you can understand why I'm late

But anyways I hope you enjoy this story so far and I hope you guys have a great day.

But anyways Author out!

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