Part 9

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Her P.o.V. I?

I heard my own thought echo through the room. I opened my eyes slowly, only to be blinded by the raging flames of fire.

I shrieked and quickly got up, taking in my full surroundings.

It seemed like I was in an endless cave, filled with lava and burning flames.

Am I in hell? Did I die?! I pinched myself. Ouch, okay. Don't really know if that means I am dead now but I am definitely not dreaming. I dusted off my clothes and slowly got up.

Damn, where am I? Offenderman? No response. Apparently too far away.

I looked around to see a hole a little further above me.

Guess the only way out is up there.

When I reached the exit, I gasped. Ahead of me was a big palace, shielded by dark red flames. They look just like the flames from the demon...

I took in my surroundings again. "Damn, where am I supposed to go now?!"
Hesitantly, I climbed down the mountain towards the castle. What can I lose?


"Hey, love. Time to wake up." Offenderman kissed her cheek gently, brushing her hair out of her face. She didn't respond.

"Darling?" He poked her cheek but recieved no response yet again.

"[Y/N]?!", Offenderman exlaimed in panic and shook her gently. As the female didn't budge again, he pushed his ear against her chest.

Heart beating, still breathing.

"Love, please wake up. This isn't funny." He laughed nervously and gently shook her again.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" Without hesitation, he picked her up bridal style and teleported to Slenderman.


"Okay and now?", I asked to myself as I looked up the gate to the castle. It was huge. At least a hundred times bigger than me.

What a show off.

I noticed an open window a few meters next to the gate. The catch: Right beneath it was an endless pit of fire and death. I gulped.

Maybe I can find a way out of here in there. Okay, [Y/N] you got this. You survived so much shit before. This won't stop you either now., I ensured myself and took a few steps back.

When I make a quick run and jump off this bridge, right towards the window, I might make it.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes to focus.

Okay, NOW.

I started sprinting towards the edge and jumped, reaching out of the windowsill.

Everything slowed down in that moment. I breathed out and grasped the windowsill, getting a hold of it quickly.
My whole body crashed against the wall, causing me to groan.
I let myself hang there losely for a few seconds, before I tried pushing myself up. I set my feet against the wall to use it as support to climb up.

Suddenly, I heard some stone cracking. I looked up to see that the windowsill was slowly crumbling.

No, nononono.

I struggled and tried my best to lift myself up, but my feet kept slipping off the wall, causing my whole body to slump down again. The crumbling became louder and I noticed a few big cracks in it.

Oh no, please no.

One more time, I gathered all my strength and pushed myself up with success. Huffing and completely out of breath, I let myself fall onto the cold stone ground of the castle.

Too close. Way too close. I tried to calm down a little and pushed myself up a small table, starting to wander in a random direction. I need to find a way out.


"She seems to be in some sort of coma."

"What?!", Offenderman yelled.

"How? What happened?! Get her out of it!" He grabbed Slenderman by the collar and pulled him closer, growling and clenching his teeth.

"You must be aware that I can not help your love when you are acting so childish and irresponsibly. Also, know your place. If I wanted to, I could kill you in an instant." Slenderman's voice became threatening towards the end.

Offenderman huffed and let go, shoving him away. He fixed his suit and adjusted his tie.

"She is fine. Kind of. For some unknown reason her soul is just in a different place than her body right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Either someone split her soul from her body and took it somewhere else...or she did it herself unknowingly."

"What are you implying?"


I found myself in an entrance hall...or was it a ball room? However, the hall was big and an enormous staircase lead to the upper levels. Everything was decorated red and black, sometimes a little gold. I carefully took the stairs and opened a double-winged door.

It had stories and pictures of demons engraved on it. The doors creaked loudly as they closed shut right behind me and I realized that I was in a library. It was quiet and the air felt dusty.

Everything was bathed in the warm and comforting light of the fire in the fireplace at the end of the room.

Of course, that fireplace was filling out the whole wall in the back, lighting up every corner of the room. I looked around in awe.

If this place wouldn't be so terrifying, I would love to read a book here. It would be so cozy.

I walked towards the fire place and looked at its decorations. Golden leaves and decorations were all around it. On top of it was something engraved:

The gold in these flames is decieving but it beholds the truth.

Gold? I looked into the flames.

They were absolutely beautiful to look at, yet terrifying. Suddenly I realized something. These flames aren't hot. I am standing so close to them and yet, it doesn't hurt or burn at all. I slowly reached out and touched the flames.

No pain. Nothing. I looked at my hand in surprise.

Okay, I think I am dead.


Suddenly she was twitching. Her hand started glowing, an unbearable heat eradicating from it. "What is that?!" Offenderman tried to touch her hand, but whinced as it burnt him right away.

"Don't touch her!"

"No shit, Sherlock." The glowing stopped and he instantly grabbed her hand and checked it for any wounds. Offenderman breathed out and relaxed as he saw that she was completely fine.

"Damn it, Slender. Get her out of there!"

"I can't. There is no way we can enter her mind now that it doesn't exist in her body anymore. All we can do is trust her with whatever she is doing and wait for her until she returns."


I took a step into the room and the flames vanished completely. I saw something golden shimmer a few meters away from me and I slowly walked towards it. It turned out to be a book, decorated with golden flames. It had fangs and long, spiky horns.

I took it in my hands and traced along its horns, opening it carefully.

Offenderman x female!reader {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now