Part 17

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The fight seemed to take forever.

And despite all their efforts, Zalgo remained almost unscathed from the several attacks of the brothers.

The [h/c] haired female couldn't do anything but watch in horror as Zalgo burnt them and scarred them with everything he has. Their wounds were healing but not quick enough.

Panting and trembling, they all stood there and tried their best to keep an eye on Zalgo.
Zalgo was smiling, licking over his sharp teeth. He felt the adrenaline and immense satisfaction of being the superior one. He was able to overpower not only one but three Slenders at the same time. In his mind, he started mocking them, wondering why he wasted so much time on careful planning when all he needed was this single moment.

Eagerly, he extended his claws again to charge at that one Slender, that seemed more beaten up than the other.

"Offender, careful!", exclaimed Trenderman and tried to stop Zalgo from his attack.
Zalgo, however, just dodged him and jumped forward to dig his claws into Offenderman's chest.

Offenderman couldn't do much but watch in horror, as the demon charged at him.

With one swift move to the side, Offenderman tried to dodge the attack. Zalgo missed his faint skin by a few inches.
Instead, he ripped something else.

The [h/c] girl gasped as she watched Offenderman's coat fall to the ground. Before, his upper body was safely tugged into the black leather, but now in the broad light, she finally saw why he was hiding his chest so desperately. Multiple gashes and scars were imprinted on his torso and arms. They were healed but light gray and visible.

"D-darling...what did you..?", his love asked, tears welling up in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hands in shock.

Trenderman sighed in defeat, not daring to look away from Zalgo. I am sorry, [Y/N]. We tried to stop him but after he got imprisoned with us, he got so desperate about coming back to you that he kept attacking the sealed door with all his might..., Trenderman explained in her mind.

So these claw marks I saw were..?

Offenderman's gaze sunk down to the ground in shame and his face was entirely covered by the shadows of his fedora: I am sorry, love..

Offenderman didn't give her any time to talk with her about it but instantly teleported towards Zalgo again, who was trying to get to Splendorman. Trenderman joined him and tried to fight him off.





A scream of pain and anger tore through the sky.

Zalgo had Offenderman firmly pinned to the ground and dug his claws into his chest. "Does that feel familiar, friend?", Zalgo laughed devilishly and continued to dig his fingers further into his chest.

Trenderman and Splendorman were laying on the ground, panting. Shaking.

They were bleeding and it wasn't long until the feeling of having to faint came over them. Every fiber in their body ached and felt numb at the same time.

The adrenaline was wearing off and they started to feel every bruise on their skin and crack in their bones.

Sweat was dripping down on Offenderman's forehead and he clenched his teeth.
"First I am going to rip your heart out and then of all the others. You're dead.", Zalgo laughed.

[Y/N] shot up and rushed towards Offenderman without hesitation, "NO! Stop, please!"

She used all of her strength to push Zalgo off of him and successfully tackled Zalgo onto the ground.

Offenderman x female!reader {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now