Part 16

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A scream of agony tore through the air as Zalgo loomed above Slenderman, pinning him down to the ground with his foot as he slowly tore a tendril out of his back. Not much longer and he wouldn't have the strength to keep [Y/N] concealed.

The healing processes couldn't keep up with his injuries anymore so he decided to completely stop the healing and spend that energy on his attacks and magic.
He tried to lift himself up and eventually succeeded in throwing Zalgo off of him. Zalgo lost his balance for a mere second.

Enough time for Slenderman to gain enough energy to teleport a short distance. "You are only procrastinating what you can't avoid anymore. Stop being so stubborn and accept your fate. Once I erased you and your brothers, nothing will stand in my way anymore of breaking the seal and overrunning the world with my people. I will finally claim what is rightfully mine."

Slenderman growled.
His mouth was twitching in anger and his tongue was swirling around aggressively.
His eyes were crying black tears:

"You are talking too much, child."

In the shadows of a cell she saw a figure leaning against the cold stone wall. [Y/N] quickly approached the cell and gripped the cold metal bars that separated the creature and her.

In the faint lights of the torches, she recognized colorful polka dots on a black suit.

"Splendor? Is that you?", she breathed out in a hushed voice.
The creature shuffled and looked up at her: "[Y-Y/N]?"

"Oh thank God, it's you!", she exclaimed.
Frantically, she looked around and grabbed the nearest metal object, trying to break open the door.

"Forget about it, [Y/N]. It won't work. We all tried.", Splendorman said.

"No, we have to get you out of here. Your brother needs help and I won't give up on any of you. We can win this."

A strong force caused the female to get pushed back into the wall behind her. Any air left her lungs and she groaned in pain.

"It's sealed. Whatever you do to it, it inflicts double the damage on you. Please stop hurting yourself."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she picked up the metal object again and tried to pry open the door once more.

"No, I won't give up."

Slenderman was hurting. He felt every inch of his body. Every bone that broke. Every burn and scratch. He felt his power losing him and he swore that his spell to conceal [Y/N] was sometimes flickering.

If she won't hurry, all of this was for nothing and they would all have to die.

He never wanted to get a human involved with the history of shadow creatures. Of monsters. And especially not a human with such a pure and understanding heart.

If it were anyone else, he would have cared less. He probably would have given up on them already and removed the spell long ago to invest that power into his healing process. Zalgo dealing with the intruder also could have bought him a little time to recover and take a breath.

But he couldn't do this to her. Not only was [Y/N] Offenderman's love. She was special. Something about her was different. And he just knew that this is her moment to ignite that spark.

Suddenly the lock sprung open. [Y/N] instantly dropped the metal and pushed open the door. Splendorman looked at her in surprise and she grabbed his hands to help him up.

His suit was torn. His smile non-existant. It hurt the female to see him like this. There wasn't a moment where he didn't smile.

"I am so sorry, [Y/N]. I let all of you down. I made you worry and..", Splendorman sighed and looked down to the ground.

"Hush. I am more than happy that you are alive and fine. Zalgo could have done so much worse things to you. But we have no time to talk about this now. At this very moment, Slenderman is fighting Zalgo and I don't know for how long he can keep going. Where are the others?"

Splendorman remained silent and just turned his head to the darker part of the cell. As [Y/N] slowly stepped closer, she saw Trenderman sitting next to another figure, completely engulfed by shadows. Trender seemed to be comforting them.

She didn't have to see who it was because she could feel it. [Y/N] instantly rushed towards them and knelt next to Offenderman, who sat against the wall.
His legs were pulled up to his chest and he was hiding his face, trembling slightly.
The female grabbed his hands and his head instantly shot up to meet her gaze.

"Are you okay, my love?", she said worriedly and scooted closer to him. She let go of his hand and cupped his face in her hands instead.

"She- I- I forgot about you. I killed her. You - I -", he stuttered. She didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around his neck tightly.

"Shh, I am here now. Everything is okay. I will never leave you behind.", she said soothingly.

"Ever since he got here, he tried to break through that door. It left a few gashes on him. Thankfully, he healed more or less.", Trenderman explained.

"More or less..?", she asked but instantly got interrupted as Offenderman wrapped his arms around her waist.

He took a deep breath to smell her sweet scent and calmed down:
"I am fine. I am sorry for making you worry, my love." His voice was surprisingly calm and he let go of her, getting onto his feet.

"Let's kick some ass!", he growled and clenched his teeth.

Trenderman sighed and also stood up, dusting off his slightly torn clothes and adjusting his glasses:
"I am not a fan of violence but I will make an exception."

Splendorman smiled and jumped up and down in joy: "I would rather have a party with all of you but I am afraid we have to deal with this party pooper first! Let's kick some butt!"

[Y/N] smiled and rose up too. She eyed the group and nodded. She wrapped her arms around Offenderman's neck and he gently picked her up.

Before they teleported, however, she made out an important detail in that cell. The interior of the cell door was littered with deep claw marks.

"Dar-", before she could ask Offenderman about the claw marks, they already teleported.

Zalgo watched Slenderman tremble and smiled in satisfaction.

"This is it, my friend. I had a lot of fun, playing with you but I am afraid playtime is over."

Slenderman's legs gave in and sank to his knees, still looking straight at Zalgo.

Suddenly his brother's appeared right in front of him, causing Zalgo to gasp in surprise and shock.
Offenderman let down [Y/N] carefully and glanced over his shoulder and grinned: "Hey did ya miss us, big bro?"

Zalgo took a few steps back and looked at the brothers in disbelief: "H-how did you?"

His gaze landed on [Y/N] and rage started to rise in his body. Flames formed around him: "You little brat! I should've killed you when I had the chance!"

Offenderman grabbed her shoulder and gently pulled her behind him to shield her. [Y/N] was more than happy about that since Zalgo's gaze alone seemed to burn her alive already.

"Okay, okay. Calm down Zalgo this is just...a little inconvenience.", Zalgo said to himself and the brothers took on a fighting stance.

Offenderman flicked up his hat and flashed one of his charming smiles at his love: "I would recommend that you join my brother in the back rows since this will get nasty, love."

She nodded and quickly went to Slenderman to help him get up.

Offenderman tugged on his coat a little to adjust and close it properly.

"Let's get this over with, brothers.",

he said and with that, the fight began.

Offenderman x female!reader {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now