Chapter 1 - The Arrivals

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3rd person POV

16 years, it had been 16 years since they won that dreadful war against Morath and Erawan. Everyone was happy, Aelin and Rowan have rebuilt their kingdom with the help of their inner court and people, to what is now one of, if not the most prosperous kingdom in Erilea, and they are now expecting their first child with Aelin only 3 months along.

Elide and Lorcan settled in Perranth where (despite his usual brooding personality) Lorcan is well loved, they together have 3 children, Marion, Cal, and Finnula.

Lysandra and Aedion, have built Caraverre to be the most beautiful of the lands in Terrassen, they have two children Quinn and Maxwell.

Dorian and Manon married and have a daughter named Lothian. However Adarlan and the Witch Kingdom are still two separate Kingdoms. It is believed that upon Dorian's death his daughter will take the throne whilst Manon continues to rule the witches independently. 

Nesryn and Sartaq now Grand Empress and Khagan have 5 children Hayira, Zephyr, Corben, Telulah, and Hevalla.

Ansel, to the eternal surprise of many married Ilias, they named their daughter Celeana, for the girl who saved Ilias' life and gave Ansel an extra minute.

Galan himself married some noble woman from Wendlyn, and now has a daughter and son.

Aelin's POV

She had been sitting on her damned throne for the past hour shifting uncomfortably. Every two years a kingdom from the group who participated in the last valg war would hold a series of games. They called them the Curaidh Ludos, they are meant to bring the best warriors and athletes from all different corners of the world to see who's the best and which kingdom had the best warriors.

The Curaidh Ludos were full of all different kinds of things; Itaelaich for those with wyverns, or brooms, or ruks. Then there were the ones that anyone could participate in, archery, swordplay, hand to hand combat, equine events, along with many others. But her favorite was the very last game, it was more of entertainment for everyone who came to watch the games, but it was her favorite nonetheless. At the end of the games each kingdom would put one member of the royal family in a ring and they would fight. Of course she had one every year prior, being the best warrior ever, but this year her overprotective territorial fae buzzard won't let her.

Despite that Aelin had every intention of enjoying the games, probably because she has always  used them as an excuse to meet with her friends. But nonetheless Terrassen was hosting this year which meant she had to be all formal to greet those coming. Though Aelin always loves a good reason to dress up, she just didn't feel like wearing her fancy dress and heels whilst being pregnant.

Those from her continent had already arrived; all they were waiting for were Sellene, Galan, Nesryn and Sartaq.

She was getting impatient when she heard her mate's calming and soothing voice in her ear. "There going to be here any moment I can already hear them down the hall" And just as he said that the trumpets started sounding and the herald starting announcing the names of the very recognizable people strolling through the now open doors.

"Khagan Sartaq and Grand Empress Nesryn Faliq of the Khaganate, Princesses Hayira, Hevalla, Telulah, and Hasar of the Khaganate. Princes Zephyr, Corben, Kashin, and Arghun of the Khaganate.

King Galan Ashryver and Queen Eliana Ashryver of Wendlyn. Princesses Giuliana Ashryver and Prince Ezra Ashryver of Wendlyn.

Queen Sellene Whitethorn of Doranelle and Fae Queen of the East, and Prince Endymion Whitethorn of Doranelle"

She waited for all the formal greetings to be done with, before jumping out of her throne and hugging Nesryn. "What took you so long to get here?" she practically yelled at them. All she got was a shrug from them. "That doesn't matter, what does is that you're here now" Aelin heard a voice say behind her, as her husband, mate, and carranam came to greet his cousins more personally.

Author's note

Sorry for the short chapter, I promise they will get longer. 

When it came to naming Nesryn and Sartaq's children I did think of naming their daughter Tumelun, but decided against, believing that it would make more sense if Duva named her child Tumelun.

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