Chapter 18 - Story time

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Feyre's POV

Amren was there for about a half hour before she finally returned. When she did, all she said was that the queen wanted to speak to all of us now. A servant then came by and said she was sent to retrieve the rest of us who came from Prythian, the queen had decided that everyone else should also hear what she had to say. And so that's where we now were, walking to the queen's private library. We had been walking for about five minutes before we reached a set of grand doors, they opened and we strode in.

The doors themselves were not carved like the ones to the dining room or the ballroom. These doors had a beautiful human woman, and stags with a flame between their antlers, carved on them. I must have been looking at them for too long because a female said from behind me, "Beautiful aren't they, the late Lord Weylan Darrow had them carved for Aelin. Why he did,  is still unknown. The woman is Mala, the goddess of the sun, learning and fire, Lady of Light, Mala Fire-bringer, she's often called. The animals are her sacred sun stags, Brannon brought them over from Doranelle, they have lived in Terassen and only Terassen since he first stepped foot here." I turned to see Elide smiling at me.

"Mala also happens to be both my and Aelin's ancestor. Yay us." Dorian added, saying that last part with extreme sarcasm. I just now noticed that we weren't only meeting with Aelin, but her entire court and most of the other rulers. I sat down as Rowan motioned for us to.

"You're descended from a god?" Cassian asked.

"Gods actually, well Dorian, Gallan and Aedion, a god, different ones, sister ones. I, however, am descended from both of those gods." Aelin answered.

"What. I don't have any godly ancestors." Aedion said, confused.

"Actually you do, Mab founded the Ashryver house, and the Ashryver line is descended from her. After her death she was turned into a goddess by the people, over time she merged with an existing god, Deanna, also Mala's sister. So technically the Ashryvers are descended from a goddess, but don't have any god blood. Except, for Aelin, who just so happens to be born of both the Ashryver and Galathynius bloodline." Gallan explained.

"Gods help us when that baby is born. One person from two of the most powerful bloodlines is difficult enough, but one born of three of the most powerful bloodlines." Hasar prayed.

"What's that supposed to mean?! I'm not that difficult." Aelin pouted, the others just stared daggers at her.

She rolled her eyes and turned to us, "I didn't call you all here to talk about our much too complicated bloodlines. I called you here to tell you my theory." she said.

"Get on with it," Manon said impatiently. Aelin scowled at her and started.

"Well for those who have been living under a rock during the past twenty six years, or have not been in this world. There was a war about sixteen years ago. A lot of things happened during said war but the most relevant, is that for most of it my power was unlimited, I was as strong as a god, some could say stronger. But then I came in possession of three weapons, three wyrdkeys. What they are and can do doesn't really matter right now. What does is that only three people are born of the right bloodline, and can seal these keys into the wyndgate, and basically end the war.

Dorian, Hollin, and me. Since the day I was born however, I was chosen by the gods to be the one to sacrifice themselves in order to seal the gate. Once I was in possession of the keys Dorian and I performed a spell to seal the gate.

Things didn't exactly go to plan. But in the end Dorian was able to escape with his life and some power left, not as much as he had before, but certainly still more than the average. I, however, was still stuck in this world between worlds. My ancestor Mala gave me a gift, she gave me her power, I used it to seal the gate. I jumped through the gate before it was sealed though. When I jumped through the portal I was just as powerful as I had been before I went to seal the gate, but as I fell through worlds I lost some of it, I lost a chunk of it in Prythian, when I passed through.

When I landed in our world I had an equal amount of power to what I used during the battle of Anielle. Thanks to Amren, I now know where my magic is, and that it's looking for me. That is how and why you are here."

"And you want your power back." Viv finished.

"Yes, I do." Aelin confirmed.

"Why the hell should we let you retrieve that power. You are already more powerful than any of us. Why should we give it to you? For all we know you could use that power to destroy worlds. If what you say is true." Tamlin said.

"Firstly, Aelin would never use her power to destroy a world, she was willing to sacrifice herself, to save them all. Secondly, don't accuse her of lying. Thirdly, it may not be so in your world, but in ours magic has a mind of its own, its living. If the owner cannot learn to control it, use it. It will control them. Magic as powerful as Aelin's, even a small portion is more dangerous than you can imagine." Sellene told us.

"How do we help you?" Az asked. I was shocked to say the least when he spoke, even in the past two hundred years he hasn't changed much, he seldom speaks when not spoken to or when his input is not needed, when he doesn't need to. And even less when around others from outside our family. We all turned to Aelin waiting expectantly.

"Well I need to go to your lands to find it and contain it, I also need to find the spell that will allow me to do this. I'm sure I will be able to find the spell by tomorrow night. Until then there's not much anyone can do, but enjoy their time here." She responded.

"Ok if that's the case, then I'll help you with your research. It'll go faster with two rather than one." Dorian offered.

"Thanks. Research will have to wait till after Itaelaich though, It's the only one of the games I can't miss, well except The Battle, speaking of which we need to get ready for it." Aelin said. Then she got up and left, followed by a few others.

"You are welcome to join us to watch if you wish." Elide and Lysandra invited. 

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