Chapter 9 - Brunch

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Aelin's POV

Last night was interesting, with the unexpected visit from those from Prythian. Despite their rude interruption, the ball went on as planned. Though most did retire earlier than expected, she included. She and Rowan were now speaking with a servant before they made their big entrance.

"The couple you spoke to last night are Feyre and Rhysand they are the High Lady and High Lord of the Night court. In their group they have Rhys' cousin and third, the blonde one Morrigan. The short one with the up tilted eyes is their second, Amren. The warrior with wings and the blue jewels is their spymaster and shadowsinger, Azriel. The other one with the bat wings and red jewels is the general of their Illyrian armies, his name is Cassian.

The pale couple with white hair are Kallias and Viviane, the High Lord and High Lady of the winter court.

The one who looks like he could be from Eyllwe is Helion High lord of the Day Court.

Thesan the High Lord of the dawn court is the one with brown skin and hair, his mate is Asa Taal, and he has white feathered wings.

Then there's Tarquinn, Cresseida and Varian, they have dark skin and white hair, Tarquinn is the High Lord of the Summer Court, and Varian, and Cresseida are his cousins.

The High Lord of the Spring court is Tamlin, he has blonde hair, and green eyes.

The last High Lord is Beron Venserra, he is the fool who insulted you, he has a wife named Fiametta, though I do not believe she is a High Lady. They have four sons, Eris, Aurelius, Haco, and Mishal." The servant said.

"Thank you Cordellia." Aelin said to the servant dismissing her, when she was crowned she made sure to learn the names of as many of those who work within the castle. The names of servants, handmaidens, guards, cleaners, healers, etc.

She turned to her mate grinning and asked, "You ready for our grand entrance?" He simply took her arm, grinned and used his magic to push open the doors. All heads turned towards them as they strode in, those sitting at the tables bowed their heads as they strode past. She got halfway down the hall before she turned away to speak with one of the guards.

"Corben! It's nice to finally see you back in the castle, how's your wife, and daughter, Delilah and Adelaide right?" She asked one of the guards.

"They're doing well, thank you for remembering?" Corben said. "Oh no, it's my pleasure." she responded. "And what of the new addition to your family?" Rowan asked from behind her. Corben smiled as if remembering a memory as he said; "Delilah had a healthy baby girl two weeks ago, we named her Layla, Adelaide seems to really like her new baby sister."

"What about you Mateo? How are your boys, Rafael, and Timothee doing?" Aelin asked one of the more senior guards. "Rafael is graduating with a masters in literature at the end of the semester. While Timothee just married his husband, Lincoln." He said with pride and the brightest smile. "That's great! Well it was nice speaking with you, I hope to see you again soon." she said as she and Rowan walked over to their table.

She plopped down on her chair at the head of the table in the most unqueenly manner one could, while Rowan sat down on her right with all the grace of an immortal. "So bat boys, Cassian and Azriel, what species are you? We don't have anything like you here , or anything like you Asa." She said. She did her best to contain her laughter at the gobsmacked expressions of the Prythianers.

"Always with the big entrances." Ansel drawled from her seat at the table. "Well how else am I going to make my eternal life less boring?" Aelin joked. Half the immortals at the table rold their eyes at that.

Finally one of the Prythianers regained their composure and asked "How did you know their names?" Aelin just shrugged "Eh, lucky guess Kallias." Evangeline giggled a bit at the newfound expression on their faces and said "At this point we have just accepted that Aelin knows everything."

"I don't know everything, Evangeline, just a lot. Either way you still haven't answered my question." Aelin said as she pilled food on her plate.

"Cassian and I are Illyrians. And Rhys is half Illyrian." The one Aelin recognized as Azriel said.

"And I'm a peregryn." Asa said.

"Wait, did you just call us bat boys!?" Cassian exclaimed. Everyone just ignored his question as Helion asked "So how and when are you going to get us home your Majesty?"

"To your first question, magic, obviously. As for the second, whenever I feel like it. And that will only happen after the rulers of our world gathered here have decided that we trust you enough to send you back home." Aelin said.

"What!? You can't do that! We are the High Lords of Prythian. I demand you send us home immediately!" Beron shouted.

"Watch your tongue! Or you'll be leaving here without one. If you even leave at all." Rowan snapped. All eyes were on Beron at this point, each and every one of them were shooting daggers at him.

"Oh calm down everyone." Aelin said calmly, before saying in a deadly calm voice: "First thing first, as I have already said the titles of High Lords, and High Ladies mean nothing, nothing here. You are visitors and guests in my household, you have no more authority than a tourist. Second off, I am Queen and you will not disrespect me or make demands towards me in my household. You have been warned before, if you step out of line again then you will be dealt with accordingly. Thirdly, in your world females and women may not hold the power, but here I do. You may be a male, High Lord Beron Vanserra of the Autumn Court. But I have the power and control. So control yourself, and act like the grown ass male you are, and have some respect towards everybody, whether they are male or female, fae or human or witch, or whatever. You are in my household, and I am Queen, you listen to me." She said that last line with an animalistic growl and godly authority and power. Then as if nothing happened she asked "Do I make myself clear?" And Beron may have just made the last mistake of his life as he said in a whisper "Bitch"

Faster than anyone could see Rowan had him pinned against the wall, Beron's tongue between his fingers and blade at his throat. The Prythianers were all now standing as they had weapons drawn and magic at the ready. As King-consort Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius said in the most terrifying voice ever "try that again."  

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