Chapter 25 - The Demi-Fae Prince

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Mor's POV

Aelin is definitely a dramatic person, someone who I think I'd get along great with if we had the time to develop a friendship. I wanted to pity her, to pity them. But I think she isn't someone who'd like pity, I know pity makes some feel weak. It made me feel weak when I was left for dead in that forest in the Autumn court. It wasn't just the story that made me feel sorrow but the paintings in this room. Each painting was beautiful, the portraits themselves were painted in a neutral manner, a manner to show what someone looked like, whilst the paintings of events were painted in a manner that made you feel such emotion.

The one that made me feel the most sorrow, was one that was painted in black and white, except for a pair of eyes, they were painted teal with a ring of gold. The girl with the fair eyes was covered in dirt and shackled, she was being escorted out of a mine by a man. I knew these people, the girl is the queen, and the man, Chaol Westfall, hand to the king of Adarlan. What I was looking at, it was their first meeting, it was when she was being taken out of the slave camp.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Gabriel cleared his throat and continued.

"Meanwhile The wolf of the north, Aedion Ashryver, was arriving in Rifthold. He was called to the city by the king, but he went to investigate the rumors about his cousin being alive amongst the rebels of the city.

During his investigation the captain became suspicious of the general. Captain Chaol, attempted to spy on the general to find information on him which he can later use as blackmail. I say attempted because he was easily caught by the general and the rebels. While he is imprisoned by them he learns information that could be detrimental to both Aedion and the rebels, he was to be killed so that information would not reach the king and lead them all to death. But at the last minute he did all he could think to do to save his life, he told them his lover's biggest secret. He told them that the lost princess of Terrasen was indeed alive. The general let him say his piece, he and the captain had a private conversation in which the captain told the general Aelin's identity and her location, they also agreed to become allies. Aedion wanted information on the King's plans and his movements. Chaol wanted information on magic, but more specifically its disappearance.

Chaol wanted this information because he had recently discovered his best friend prince Dorian possessed magic of his own, and could access it. Simply possessing magic could have you end up executed no matter your position. Son of the king or not. He wanted to save his friend.

Dorian however had a different idea on how to control and keep his magic a secret. Whilst visiting a healer for an injury, he lost control of his magic and nearly killed the young healer. Instead of reporting the young prince she decided to help. Together they experimented and eventually found a way to keep his magic controlled. Throughout the time they spent together they became friends, then more than friends.

With the help of Aedion, the captain was able to figure out what had caused magic to disappear, as well as figure out how to restore magic.

Soon however, The King became aware of what was happening with his son, captain of the guard, and best general. He set a trap for them, one which they all walked right into. Dorian, Sorscha; the healer who was helping the prince, Chaol, and Aedion were brought to the throne room, where the king announced that he knew there was a spy amongst them. What he did not tell them however was that he knew there were in fact three spies, and one who was practicing magic.

The king needed a confession, so he had his guards hold Sorscha down as another prepared to execute her, in hopes to save the young healer, Aedion confessed to being the spy. He was detained and sent to the dungeons. The king killed the girl anyway, she was a spy for Ren Allsbrook, a rebel working alongside his grandfather Murtaugh Allsbrook and Aedion. The prince, destroyed by the execution of his lover by his father, exploded and attacked his father with his magic, outing himself. The prince, not wishing to see his friend hurt, ordered him to run, and that's what he did, reluctantly Captain Chaol Westafall ran. The prince was subdued and caught by his father, and a wyrdstone collar was placed around his neck, allowing a valg prince to enter his body.

The king set a trap, a trap which worked perfectly. He had one spy killed, one spy detained and awaiting trial, one traitor on the run, and one powerful prince in his control.

Whilst all this happens in Rifthold, all the way in the Ferion Gap the king is breeding wyverns, giant winged beasts. He has gathered Ironteeth witches from all across our continent. They have agreed to be his aerial legion in his army. They would train and learn to ride wyverns, and together they would fly once more.

With the games going on at the moment, the witches have come, and along with them their wyverns. You can see them flying about in the skies, and hunting their food in the morning.

Each clan had been gathered, Blackbeak, Blueblood, and Yellowlegs. One heir would become the wing leader, one heir would become the head of the aerial legion. At the end of their training, Manon Blackbeak and her mount Abraxos were chosen as Wing Leader. She alongside her coven the renowned Thirteen would lead all other witches."

The previous king of Adarlan obviously didn't care about his son, something I could relate to. Dorian was a pawn in his father's game, no more than a chess piece. I was a pawn in my father's game, no more than a chess piece. Our only reason for existence was to bring fortune to our families, he was to be king, and I was to marry Eris. But we are both more than what our father's planned for us, what we were created for.

I was saved by my family, by Rhys, and Azriel, and Cassian, and Amren. Who was he saved by? Was it the witch he loves? Or the fiery queen who everyone respects and adores?


Thank you to all who have stuck with my story this far, and especially to those who have commented and voted.

To those who actually bother to read the author's note, I'd very much like it if you could please leave your favorite Throne of Glass series quote and who said it in a comment, as I'll be using some for an upcoming chapter.

I'd also like to know your thoughts on the story. Is the pacing too slow? Are there any characters you'd like to see more of? When our characters go to Prythian is there anywhere you'd like the Eriliean's to see/visit? 

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