Chapter 11 - The Little folk

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Aelin's POV

"Morning Luca, morning Emrys, brunch was delicious. Do you have my basket ready?" Aelin said as she walked into the kitchen. Though Emrys had aged 16 years he was just as lively and energetic as when she first met him. After she was crowned she invited Emrys, Malakai and Luca to stay and live in the castle with her and Rowan. They all of course accepted with glee, Emrys went as far as to say what an honour it would be to visit and live in the kingdom two of his dearest friends loved so much. She still remembered their faces when they saw Orynth, and the castle, but most of all the kitchen. Emrys of course took a job in the kitchen no questions asked, Malakai has his spot in the royal guard, and Luca splits his time between the kitchens and the guard, just like old times. But her favorite memory was Luca's face when he found out that she and Rowan weren't only married but also mates. That makes her laugh every time.

"It's right here, chocolate cupcakes, fruit tarts, cookies, bakeapple pie, and brownies, all miniaturized. Will you ever tell me what and who all this is for? It can't possibly be for you, you would never eat this little." Emrys answered.

"Nope, as long as I live you'll never know what this is for. But thank you." She said as she waved to them and walked out of the kitchens onto the castle grounds. As she walked into the Staghorns she passed warriors who were training, guards on their rotations, courtiers out for a stroll, and people just enjoying the day.

There was a hidden path at the back of the western courtyard, one that would bring you to a small clearing where the little folk would often hang out. Aelin found it when she was seven and would go there when she was running from her tutors. But she now used it to meet with the little folk.

Every year around this time she would bring a basket full of treats to them, though they could eat the same food as fae and humans, they can't exactly make it, so she brings them some. She does this to thank them for not only helping her when she was a child but every time they helped her afterwards. Rowan is the only one who knows she does this. There are times when the little folk children give her carvings or statues of a hawk to pass on to her mate. He currently has three standing on the fireplace mantelpiece.

As soon as she walked into the clearing half a dozen little folk children bombarded her. "Hello littlest ones." She said sweetly. "Thalenth hoolentie Aelin. Frothai asfarmeh bhacoolaidh?" a little folk child by the name of Aoibheann, said in the old language. It roughly translates to: Good to see you Aelin. What do you have for us?

Aelin replied to Aoibheann in the old language; "Thalenth hoolentie ouslt. Tha leth uvath; haemelbh tolak, fuiston maaddolst, ko'ostane, buishton vuiy, auist voolensto. Faolan, ilt'sen calsten alk delerm Hine auist Kaene? '' which roughly translates to good to see you too. For you I have; chocolate cupcakes, fruit tarts, cookies, bakeapple pie, and brownies. Faolan where are the elders Hine and Kaene?

"Yolpine abheth oila' toinst" Faolan responded. Translating to; they're not coming today. "Hm, oh well, tell them I said hello, will you? I so wish I could stay longer but I unfortunately need to go. There are some pricks I need to deal with. I'll be back for the basket later. So goodbye, it was nice to you all." Aelin told them in the old language. The little folk said their goodbyes in the old language as she got up and left the little clearing.

Author's Note

I know this one is kind of out of nowhere, but I just got the idea and had to write it down. I hope you guys enjoyed anyway though. And sorry for that shortness of the past couple of chapters.

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