Chapter 4 - Calanmai Festival

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At 19:00 a servant came to get us, he brought us to where the celebration was to be held. It was a large clearing in the forest just outside of a cave, the clearing itself couldn't have been more than 3 miles away from the manor itself. On the right side of the clearing were musicians with all kinds of instruments, in front of them was a large dance floor. On the left side of the clearing was a table full of food and drinks. The trees around were decorated beautifully, they were wrapped in streamers, of blue, and pink, yellow, and orange, and green. From their branches hung faerie  lights, presumably to be lighted when the sun went down.

Mor spotted Viviane instantly and made her way over. Azriel faded into the shadows. And Cassian made his way over to the buffet table. "Something doesn't feel right in the air"  her mate spoke into her mind as they moved towards one of the trees to be under the shade.

"You feel it too the strange power"

"Yes it's subtle, but strong, and... familiar. It feels like it doesn't belong"

"Do you think Amren might have an idea what it is?" I asked him.

"Maybe, if  she felt something amiss she would've said something, but I'll ask her"

"She said she feels something powerful, and ancient, something she hasn't felt in a very long time. But it doesn't feel like it has malicious intent. We should however keep an eye on it" Rhys said after a moment looking towards where Amren and Varian were now talking.

"Do you think the High Lords and High Lady feel anything? That Tamlin might be behind this strange power?"

"I don't think so. I think that only the three of us feel anything."

"If that's the case we should keep it to ourselves, wouldn't want to worry anyone else and have it just be nothing."



I was speaking with Mor and Viv when our attention was drawn to the clinking of a glass and Tamlin clearing his throat. "Thank you for your attention, the great rite ritual will begin in just a moment. We ask all females who wish to take part in the ritual to form a queue at the cave mouth and all others to please step out of the clearing".

With that Mor, Viv and I made our way to the trees and joined the other High Lords and their parties. Once the organized chaos of everyone moving around had stopped, Tamlin lifted his glass to his lips and drank. A wave of power went out as he released his power into the land. As he made his way towards the females to choose one to fuck for the stupid and gross ritual, another wave of power went out. This one though was not part of The Great Rite, no it was powerful and ancient and otherworldly. It felt like the magic Rhys, Amren and I had been feeling, only this felt amplified, wild, uncontrollable, and violent. At the origin of this wave was now a swirling pool of green, yellow, and red. All the High Lords and Ladies took a step towards it as if in trance. I tried to stop my steps but that thing kept pulling me towards it, until it completely sucked me in.

One moment I was in the Spring Court the next I was in a ballroom full of... fae, and humans, and so many strange animals. And royalty,  judging by the number of crowns people were wearing. One female with moon white hair and... iron nails? Had a crown of stars.

Another with silver hair and pine green eyes had a crown made of silver bands joining to form what looked to be a lotus blossom, it had teal gems suspended within it.

Then there was a man with raven black hair who wore a crown made of small diamonds and tear shaped rubies.

Then there was a man with raven black hair who wore a crown made of small diamonds and tear shaped rubies

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Then there was a couple who stood together. They both wore crowns of gold, with lapis lazuli making patterns of a winding river, and one woman wore pink jewels in the form of lotus blossoms.

There were so many crowns it seems impossible for me to describe them all. This place was so beautiful with so many beautiful people and creatures in it. I knew there was no way for me not to paint it, I could already see it forming in my head 'The warriors' ball'  I'd call it. 

But what the most unsettling thing about this place was. Was the amount of magic, so much powerful magic. And so many blades pointed at me... no them, she was with her court and the other courts and High Lords and High Ladies.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a stunning female walking towards us. She had hair as golden yellow as the sun, and her eyes, they were so stunning, teal with a ring of gold. Now that I looked around a bit more there were actually more people with eyes like the queen's who approached us. You could tell she was a queen, not just by the crown on her head, but by the way she held herself, by the way everyone in the room seemed to have respect for her and yet were all weary of how she moved. This female radiated such power, I'd think she was a god if I didn't know any better.

"Who dares interrupt my glorious night?" she demanded.

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