Chapter 35 - Welcome to the Night Court

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Rhys's POV

The moment I stepped through the portal and back into the Spring Court my mind was bombarded with Nyx trying to get my attention.

"Dad. Dad. Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I can hear you. So can your mother. What's up Buddy?" I mentally asked my son, linking my mind with Feyre, so she could be a part of our conversation.

"Oh thank the cauldron. I've been trying to contact the both of you for over an hour. There was this massive wave of magic that just came out of nowhere an hour and half ago. The people of Velaris are freaking out, The Court of Nightmares and the Illyrians aren't much better. Aunt Nesta had the Valkyries work on calming the people of Velaris, while she and Emerie went to deal with the Illyrians. I don't know what to do about Keir and the others. Everything is just a mess. I could really use your help Dad."

"Shit," I breathed aloud. That made several people, including my own court, Kallias, Viviane, and Aelin, turn to me. "What," Mor asked, worry clear in her voice.

"You know that wave of magic that we felt just before the portal opened up?" Feyre said, Mor just nodded. "Well it was felt in the Night Court and people are freaking out. Nyx needs our help." I finished. The other High Lords looked slightly worried, Kallias and Viviane in particular, the latter asking, "What about our court? What about Ana?" Morana, or more commonly referred to by her nickname Ana, was Viviane and Kallias's daughter, she was born about a year after Nyx. Nyx and Ana have been best friends since they first met, I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be mates.

"I'll ask Nyx," I told her. "Nyx, buddy. How's Ana? Her mother is worried sick. Is she ok. How's the Winter Court?"

"She's fine. I talked to her about fifteen minutes ago. The Winter Court felt the same wave of power. And they're just as freaked out as we are. Though Ana is definitely doing a better job at keeping her people calm. We've been keeping each other posted since the wave hit." Silence from him then, "I haven't heard anything about the other courts though."

"Ok, thanks buddy. Mom and I are coming home."

"Ana, is ok. The Winter Court felt the same wave, and their people are just as freaked out as ours. But it sounds like Ana has everything under control." I told Viviane and Kallias, I could have sworn I saw them both breathe a sigh of relief. I could tell that Varian was going to ask about his court, I cut him off before he had the chance. "No news on the other courts. But I can only assume it's the same there. My court is leaving now. Aelin and company, you're welcome to join us if you'd like." I turned to look at Aelin and the others when I said that last part. They just looked at each other and walked towards us. Just before I grabbed Endymion's arm I saw Kallias and Viviane winnow out.

Aelin's POV

By the time they winnowed out of that horrid court Aelin was fed up with it. The smell of roses shoved itself up her nose and overwhelmed her senses. Based on Enda's grimace she could tell he felt her sentiment. Though she did have a sneaking suspicion that Abraxos — that worm of a mount, as Manon, liked to call him — would love this place.

She grabbed Morrigan's arm, and was enveloped in darkness, it was so like Maeve's yet not. Not Maeve. Not Maeve. Not Maeve. She reminded herself, she was out, she was away, Maeve was dead. Just as soon as the darkness appeared it was gone again. And light rippled in through the large windows, in the sitting room they were now in. She was trying to control her breathing as she reminded herself again and again, that this was real, it wasn't an illusion, she was out. Fenrys saw how pale she had gone and moved towards her. His presence by her side helped her calm down. She was out, she was safe, she was in Prythian, she was going to find the rest of her magic, she was Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius and she would not be afraid.

Fenrys's POV

They stepped out of the darkness and into a sitting room full of light. Winnowing that's what his power was called, at least he and Connal now had a name for it. This place was beautiful, and smelled so much better than the other place but... Aelin had gone pale. Shit. That darkness was so like Maeve's, she was probably reliving something horrible. Fenrys walked over to her side, she was unseeing. A moment passed, then she blinked and was back again, there still was a hunted gleam in her eyes but when she looked at him, it was her. No one else seemed to have noticed, which was a relief as he didn't want them asking any questions. No, everyone was focused on the winged male and two fae females who had come rushing in just moments before, the male in particular seemed to be super relieved to see Rhysand. Fenrys understood a moment later as the young male went up to Rhysand and started babbling.

"Father, mother. Oh thank the cauldron you're back, it's chaos, Velaris has calmed down somewhat. Nuala and Cerridwen just got back from the Hewn City, they say it's out of control there," he was interrupted by his father. "Clam down. We're here now and we'll take care of it. Cassian and Nesta, I want you guys to go to the Illyrian camps, start with Windhaven, pick up Emerie, and regain control. Azriel, Amren, you guys are calming the city and helping in whatever way you can. Mor, and Feyre, you're coming with me we're going to the Court of Nightmares. Nyx and Elain, stay here and watch our guests. Understood?" Nods from everybody and people dispersed, some winnowing, some flying out of the windows. And others just walking out.

They were now left alone with these two people. "Hi, my name is Elain, I'm Feyre's older sister." The fae female said, holding out her hand, when no one shook she let it drop and frowned. "And I'm Nyx, Rhysand and Feyre's son. Welcome to the Night Court, I guess." The fae male said somewhat hesitantly.


Welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, (if you celebrate them). I sure as heck could have had a better one. So I hope that at least some people had good ones. Also I was supposed to go back to school on the 4th, but because of Covid my school reopening has been pushed back by another week. And I'm all out of books to read so I'm suuuper bored.

I just want to say I had some trouble picking a name for Viv and Kallias's daughter. I figured I'd name her after a god of winter, kinda like how Rhys and Feyre named their son after a goddess of night. Some of my other choices were: Demetria, Demeter, Noella (that's my grand-mother's name), Skadi, and Boreas. But if any of you have a better idea, or collectively think she should be named something else, then I wouldn't mind changing her name. Also I'm just going to say it now Viv was pregnant at the end of A Court of Silver Flames, so I didn't just give Kallias and Viv a kid cause I wanted to (even if I did that with everyone else from ToG).

Sorry for the shorter chapter.

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