Chapter 30 - To Raise an Army

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Rhys's POV

I had nothing to do, so I asked Feyre to let me in so I could hear what they were learning. I missed a lot it seems. I joined in at the end of the part about Manon. But from the emotion I could feel coming off of my mate I knew what had been told was heart wrenching.

I waited quietly in my mates mind for Gabriel to continue:

"Upon hearing about the host flying for Rifthold, Aelin sent Rowan to protect the new King. Rowan flew for two days to get there on time, but when he did Iskra Yellowlegs's clan was already upon the city and a witch was cornering the King readying to kill him. The injured and exhausted king was nearly felled but was saved by Manon Blackbeak who killed the witch before she finished her lethal swing. Manon saved the King, but Rowan didn't know this, when he burst into the king's chambers all he saw was the Wing Leader; iron nails and teeth out, ready to cut down the King. In hopes to save Dorian, Rowan used his magic to pull the air out of the witch's lungs; he was stopped by Dorian telling him she had saved him and that she was not going to kill him.

Aelin's first stop was Ilium, she was there for two purposes. The first to rid the town and the sacred temple located in the town from the valg grunts who were holding it. She used this opportunity to show her power, to send a message. But Errawan also had an opportunity here, he used this moment to test a new creation of his, a valg infested human with a wyrdstone heart. And who better to test it on, then the Fire-Breathing Bitch Queen herself. Errawan didn't just choose anyone to hold the heart, he chose the last overseer assigned to Aelin when she was a slave in Endovier. Aelin was of course able to kill the demon and take the city.

After taking Illium she was to join Dorian and Rowan in Skulls Bay, they were already there negotiating with Rolfe. Trying to get him to join the fight, to join their army with his fleet before Aelin arrived.

While in Skull's bay Dorian and Rowan bumped into some interesting males; Fenrys and Maeve. They were there on the orders of Maeve to find and hunt down Lorcan. They were delayed however, when they bumped into Rowan and Dorian.

On day eight of their stay they got fed up with waiting for Captain Rolfe to call u[pon them, so they tricked him into setting up a meeting, by convincing his spies they had war changing information. They were soon called to meet with the captain, during the time it took for them to meet with Rolfe, Gavriel, and Fenrys, then to walk up into the captain's private office, someone was able to sneak in.

Aelin Galathynius, had finally arrived in Skull's bay with her cousin and the lady Lysandra. She was sprawled across the Captain's chair as he walked in with his guest. As you could imagine he was none too pleased to find Celeana Sardothian sitting in his chair, again. With a little shape shifting another Celeana Sardothian stepped into the room announcing herself as Queen Aelin Ashryver Galathynius of Terrasen. Rolfe didn't believe them at first but with confirmation from Gavriel and Fenrys, the third party of this situation he quickly realized just who had done so much damage to his city a few years prior. Aelin the real one being the one sat in the Captain's chair was in Skull's bay to negotiate the terms of their alliance. He was hesitant at first, but upon hearing what Aelin had to offer; title of King of the Archipelago, and Lord of Ilium and the Mycenians, of which he was the heir too. It also helped his decision to join her when Skull' bay was attacked by the Valg. He agreed to join her in exchange for her saving his bay.

In an incredible display of magic heard across the sea all the way to the southern continent, Aelin destroyed most of the Valg fleet, and a portion of her own. With Lysandra shifted into a legendary sea dragon, the water beneath was protected from the sea wyvern. With Lysandra shifted into a sea wyvern, the message was sent out that those majestic creatures had returned and now fight, and so it was time for the Mycenian people to come out of hiding and fight alongside them. Lysandra was able to kill most of the sea wyverns but outnumbered and injured she faltered. She raced for the beach following Aedion's command, once within range she leaped from the water the sea wyvern on her tail. Aedion was watching as Lysandra swam for her life, just as he told her too, she leaped from the water, the sea wyvern predictably doing the same.

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