Chapter 14 - What's she up to now?

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Rowan's POV

He could tell something wasn't sitting right with his Fireheart. She would never take out an opponent that fast. Even one as inferior in power and skill as Feyre, Aelin would have made a show out of it. Now, telling someone out right she didn't like them, that is something she would do. So as his Fireheart walked out of the training hall, he followed her.

"What was that about?" he asked his mate once they had entered her private library. For being Aelin's private library it was huge, maybe half the size of the training hall. It's walls were lined with shelves filled with books, there were tables scattered around, and faerie lights strung across the ceiling. Most of the books here were donated from other kingdoms, many were in old languages none of their previous owners could understand, then there were the ones with magical properties that are difficult to handle on their own. But the ones that he knew Aelin prized the most were the ones about wyrdmarks, (many of those ones were donated by the Ytgers, or Dorian, seeing as Dorian himself couldn't read them).

"What was what about?" She responded. As she pulled out multiple books on wyrdmarks and passed them to him, to carry. "Aelin, we're not doing this again." She sighed and turned to me; "Something about what they said just doesn't feel right. What was that power they felt? Why did only some of them feel it? How did a portal just open up out of the blue? Why did a portal just open up out of the blue? If we send them back, what's stopping another portal from opening up and bringing them back here?"

"All very good questions. But I don't think all the answers are in these books. You should ask them."  He told her as they walked over to one of the tables and put the books down.

"I know, I know. But I don't trust them."

"You don't trust anybody who hasn't fought by your side, Aelin."

"That's not true. I trust many people who work in the castle, Malakai, Emrys, Luca, Madeline, and others."

"Yes, but you've known them for years, some longer than some of your closest friends."

She sighed, "Fine if you want it so much I'll talk to them one on one."

"Good. Do you need help with your research?"

"I'll be fine. Go do kingly stuff of your own. Or better yet go entertain our guest, and make sure Manon and the thirteen don't rip Amren's throat out, I'm gonna need her."

"Yes your majesty." He replied. She simply gave him a look and stuck out her tongue as he left the study hall.

Author's note 

Sorry for the last few shorter chapters. 

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