Chapter 39 - The Library

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Aelin's POV

Aelin was looking through the closet of her room in the House, the clothes within looked comfortable and light. She picked a set of loose and flowy emerald pants with gold trimming, and a matching top. Once she had donned them she looked at herself in the mirror, she smiled at herself, she looked good in the outfit. Her stomach growled and she frowned. She was hungry, time for breakfast then. As she walked out of her room and down to the dining area she bumped into Fenrys. A little whistle from him and he said to her, "damn girl you look good". "'Course I do, I always look good." Aelin replied to him, with a grin plastered across her face. He bowed mockingly and extended his arm for her to take. She grabbed and they continued towards the dinning room arm in arm. The table was once again filled with food, this time it had fruit and pastries and sausages and bacon. All were seated at the table, all but Borte and Cassian, sleeping in no doubt. She sat down and started serving herself, Cassian soon came and joined them at the table, while it took Borte slightly longer to pull her ass out of bed but when she did she was looking lively. Borte had donned an outfit similar to the one Aelin was currently wearing, but hers was dusty grey with sapphire trimming. After finishing her second plate of food Aelin asked Nesta, "Sooo, how do I get down to the library?"

"I'll bring you down myself." Nesta replied.

Thirty minutes later Aelin and Nesta stood in front of the giant doors to the library. They were carved of red oak, nothing particularly spectacular was carved on them, but they were still beautiful nonetheless. Nesta opened one of them and ushered Aelin in. She followed Nesta, as she was directed to a female dressed in blue robes, who was rearranging a set of books. "Good morning Clotho" Nesta said to the woman. Clotho looked up and smiled. She took a piece of paper, wrote something down on it and passed it to Nesta. After reading the paper Nesta smiled too and said to Clotho "this is Aelin, she's the female I told you about." Clotho nodded to Nesta before turning to Aelin and reaching out to shake her hand. Aelin accepted the hand, smiling to Clotho she said "It's nice to meet you." Clotho nodded, Aelin found it odd how she didn't speak, Aelin knew why a moment later when Nesta told her, "Clotho is mute, anything she has to say to you will be written down. If you need anything she's the one to ask. I suppose you're good to go now, so I'll be heading out. I have some work to do." Aelin gave Nesta a closed lip smile before turning to Clotho. "Do you have any books on Wyrdmarks?" She asked Clotho. Clotho contemplated for a moment before moving towards the stone railing, she motioned to Aelin to follow. Clotho led her past the stairs and down into the lower levels of the library. When they stopped in front of a set of bookshelves Aelin stepped forward to inspect the books they were indeed written in wyrdmarks, she turned to face and thank Clotho but the librarian was already gone. Aelin pulled out a few books she thought might be helpful and headed back upstairs towards the little reading area she saw when she entered the library.

Two hours later and with no progress done Aelin went down to return the books. As she put the books back she felt something around, something watching her. She turned to look but no one was there, shrugging she just continued her search. Lost in her thoughts she wandered down the corridors that brought her deeper and deeper into the library. It was getting darker now and there were no candles lighting the way, so she lit her hand up to use as a torch. Something behind her hissed, when Aelin turned there was nothing. "Who's out there?" Aelin asked into the darkness. She heard rustles around her. There was definitely someone or something near her, but she couldn't see anything. The hairs on her arms and on the back of her neck stood up as a cold breath touched her skin. She turned sharply, waving her hand in front of her. "Who are you? Where are you?" She demanded.

"I would ask the same of you, Fire-bringer." A voice young and old, male and female replied from behind. She whirled again to see the creature but it was gone.

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