Author's Note

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So, hello everyone! Am I crazy for making this while having two other books in progress? Maybe a little, but I just finished Star Wars Rebels, and I loved it (I don't care what other people say about it), so I'm making this. Really quickly, I'd like to give a few rules:

1. I appreciate all of you that are here to read this, it means a lot to me.

2. This probably won't be getting updated all that quickly. By the time this is posted, I hope to have a few chapters in advance and will hopefully post them once a week, or something like that. I will TRY to update at least once a week, but we'll see how that goes.

3. I do not own Star Wars, or any songs or pictures that I might use, unless I say otherwise.

4. Absolutely no rudeness. No exceptions. Please try to keep the comments clean, I would appreciate it, and be kind to others in the comment section. If you have suggestions, I would be happy to take them into consideration, but please think about how you are phrasing it.

5. I love reading comments, so please don't be shy! As long as they are nice, I love reading comments and hearing what my readers think! Votes and follows are also much appreciated.

6. Please know that I am a human being with other things to do, and my life does not revolve around writing, so please don't just demand that I update. I have a family, friends, and other hobbies that take up time. Showing up and just saying/demanding, "Update!" or "More" is pretty rude, especially if you are a silent reader (meaning that you don't comment or vote or interact in any way). I'm glad that you like it enough that you want it to continue, but please phrase it in a more polite way.

7. I would be happy to take requests, but please know that I might not always accept them. Please don't be offended if I decide not to take the request, but generally, I will try to complete them.

8. I am not that well educated in the universe of Star Wars, so please be nice! If you have any corrections, please point them out politely, and I will fix it.

9. I love Sabezra (Sabine x Ezra) and Kanera (Kanan x Hera). Sorry if you disagree, but that's my personal opinion! If you make a request and don't ship those, let me know so that I don't accidentally incorporate it.

I believe that's it for now! If I think of anything else, I might add it into the ending of a chapter. Lots of love and thanks to FulcrumLives because she helped encourage me, and also because she helped me make the lovely cover of this book! Go follow her, she's a wonderful person :)

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