Kicked Out and Brought In

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Mon Mothma glared at Ezra with a steely look. He had recently been on a failed mission, and an important one at that. 

"Lieutenant Commander Bridger, I have heard from Pilot Antilles that you were the reason this mission failed," the female said steadily. Ezra opened his mouth to interrupt, but she held out a hand. "You do realize how important this mission was, don't you? And now, because it has failed, many innocent lives will be taken."

"Senator, I don't know why Wedge told you that I'm the reason the mission failed, but that isn't true," Ezra said, eyes wide. "He insisted that he come in with me, even when I told him specifically to stay outside to see if imperial reinforcements would come—"

She interrupted, "No, I do not wish to hear your excuses. Because of your failed mission, I have no choice but to tell you to pack your things. If I find you still here in an hour, you will be very sorry. Now, go." 

Ezra stared at her in shock and dismay, but he could tell that she was being serious. Without another word, he turned on his heel to pack up all his belongings, resolving not to tell the others. 

"Where can I go to?" he wondered under his breath. He passed by Wedge, who stood there with a smug smirk on his face.

Rudely, the pilot said, "I hope you have a good time searching for a place to stay!" Ezra sucked in his breath, and closed his eyes.

Don't react, don't react, don't react, he chanted in his brain. Blocking Wedge's words, Ezra ran off. 

Within thirty minutes, the boy had all his things packed and ready to go. Sabine! he thought, an idea popping into his brain. 

Stealthily, he managed to get into a starfighter, and quickly took off. By this time, it was evening, and not many people were out, so Ezra was able to get out without any trouble. He set his course for Mandalore, hoping that he would be welcomed. 


Ezra walked out of his ship to see Sabine, who had dyed her hair white and purple, Countess Ursa, and Tristan.

"Ezra, what are you doing here?" Sabine asked, lifting her chin towards the boy. "Is the Rebellion in trouble?" She observed his face carefully and realized that he looked uncharacteristically downcast. Worry rushed through her, though she waited for him to respond.

"No, the Rebellion is fine, but it's a long story," Ezra responded, sighing. "Mon Mothma kicked me out because Wedge said I was the reason an important mission failed, and I had nowhere else to go, so could you please give me a place to stay?"

Ursa, Sabine's mother, stepped forward, confusion written on her face. Ezra saw her, and was quick to incline his head slightly, and she returned the gesture, though her eyebrows were scrunched up. 

"She kicked you out?" the countess asked. "I thought the rebels needed all the help they can get, yet she was so willing to kick you out after a single mistake?"

Ezra sighed again. "Apparently so," he said quietly. 

"Why don't we go inside, and you can explain more?" Tristan suggested. Ursa nodded and led the way inside. 

Once they were comfortably situated, Ursa requested, "Please tell us what happened, in more detail."

"Well, the mission was an important one," Ezra began. "I had to get the data of imperial plans that would help save many lives. It was just Wedge and I on this mission, and I told him to wait outside, to watch out for imperial reinforcements. I managed to get to the control center, but I realized that Wedge had followed me. I got a bit upset, and scolded him a little while trying to access the data, but he got mad at me for that."

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