Kicked Out and Brought In || Part 3

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A request by the lovely MandolorianJedi which I hope you like!

Kanan paced back and forth, sighing. "Would you please stop that?" Zeb asked for the millionth time, annoyed by the Jedi's fidgeting. "They'll be coming, relax."

The Ghost crew was there to pick up some supplies from unknown sources, which Senator Mon Mothma had refused to tell who. This made each of them nervous, and they all dealt with it in their own ways.

Hera was fixing the Ghost with Chopper, doing her best to keep her mind off things. Kanan was pacing around outside while fidgeting with his lightsaber, and Zeb was checking his bo-rifle continuously.

"I can't help it," he sighed. "We're getting things from a completely anonymous person, and we don't even know what we're supposed to be receiving, only to 'be very careful!'"

Zeb hesitated, unable to deny the points. "I guess that's kind of true," he eventually admitted. "But didn't we basically do the same thing with Ahsoka?"

A shadow crossed both of their faces as they thought of their old friend. "Yes, but that's different, because Hera knew who it was," Kanan said after a moment of silence and respect for the lost Togruta. "But this...we know absolutely nothing about whoever it is."

"I suppose," Zeb shrugged. "But please just stop pacing, 'cause it's making me nervous." Kanan nodded and stood, though his fingers twitched with the need to do something. Zeb eyed him carefully, then was satisfied with his examination.

There were a few moments of quiet before the silence was broken. "Guys..." Hera's voice came through the comms. "I don't have very good news. In fact, it's horrible news."

Kanan stiffened, and he and Zeb ran in to see Hera staring up at the sky. "Well?" Zeb demanded. "What is it?"

Hera sighed and said, "Imperial star destroyers, and quite a few of them. Do you think this was a trap? But Mon Mothma wouldn't send us to our deaths...would she?" There was a tense silence as all of them considered the possibilities.

"That doesn't matter right now," Zeb finally broke the silence. "We need to get out of here as fast as we can, before we're caught."

Hera nodded, but then noticed Kanan's pale face. "Kanan?" she asked, then gasped as he fell to the floor to reveal stormtroopers with guns out. Before they could say or do anything, the troopers shot her, Zeb, and powered down Chopper.

"Grab them and let's move out!" the leader ordered.


"What do you mean 'they got caught by the Empire?'" Sabine asked after sputtering for a few moments. "How did you get your information so incorrect?" She, Ezra, and her mother were speaking with Senator Mon Mothma.

"I don't know!" the woman cried frantically, more frazzled than they had ever seen her. "It just...happened."

Ezra snorted. "Whatever, we'll get them back, and, no, we won't tell you how. If you manage to get the Ghost crew captured, then you probably can't be trusted with this intel." Without waiting for her to respond, he disconnected from the hologram.

"I can't believe her," Sabine grumbled, crossing her arms and leaning close to her mother. Ursa lightly kissed the top of her daughter's head and sighed.

"Apparently the Rebellion has gotten careless," the lady shrugged. "For now, we must focus on getting them back. What do you both think?"

They thought quietly, then Ezra lifted his chin. "We can just sneak in as stormtroopers. Sabine and I only, then we'll come back here. For now, we just need to take a look at where the star destroyer is."

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