Paints and Pranks

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Sabine woke up in the middle of the night, grinning widely. She had had a dream, which gave her a wonderful idea. She tiptoed over to Ezra's shared room with Zeb and quietly entered it after adding pink dye to somebody's shampoo. Focusing, Sabine did her best to channel excitement so that Ezra could feel it.

Sure enough, the boy's blue eyes flew open, and he gasped. "Sabine, what are you doing?" he hissed quietly. Sabine didn't respond, but beckoned to him to follow her.

"I just had the best idea," she said once they were in her room. "It's for a prank."

Ezra tipped his head. "Wait, Sabine do you remember what happened the last time we did a full on prank?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Will this be worth it?"

"Yes, it will be!" Sabine exclaimed, a large smirk on her face. "Look, didn't Hera say we have a mission coming up, and that the Ghost needs a makeover?"

"Oh, no, you're kidding," Ezra said, staring at her. "Please don't tell me you're thinking what I think you are." Sabine merely smirked evilly, and the boy facepalmed, sighing. "If we die for this, I'm bringing you back to life to kill you myself."

Sabine giggled excitedly. "Deal! We'll go on the supply run tomorrow by ourselves to plan things out, and then we'll do it tomorrow night."

"Are we doing both the inside and the outside or just the outside?" Ezra asked, raising an eyebrow.

That was a good question. Sabine considered it, then said, "We'll decide that tomorrow."

Ezra rolled his eyes. "Fine, now let me go back to sleep." Sabine nodded and waved at him as he left her room.

However, Sabine was too excited to fall asleep again, so she began sketching the Ghost on a piece of paper, trying to decide what parts should be what color. So what if she crashed during the day? All that mattered to her at the moment was a wonderful prank idea.


"Who wants to go on the supply run?" Hera asked.

Sabine immediately answered, "Ezra and I will go together. We'll leave in a few minutes, if that's fine."

Hera narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What are you up to now?" When she didn't receive a response, she sighed. "Alright, but be careful. Here's the list."

"Alright, we'll see you in a little. C'mon, Ezra." Sabine dragged Ezra up by the arm, ready to start walking towards the entrance of the ship. However, before they could leave the room, Zeb entered, and Ezra choked.

"What the?" he managed to make out, beginning to laugh. The Lasat gave the boy a confused look as the rest of the crew burst into laughter.

Zeb grumbled, "What's going on, guys?"

Hera said, stifling a giggle, "What happened to your fur?" The Lasat's fur had apparently been dyed pink. "I hope you have more common sense than to do that to yourself."

He ran back into the refresher and they heard a shriek. "EZRA!!!"

"I didn't do anything! I swear!" Ezra yelped as Zeb came back, a murderous look on his face. "I promise!"

Sabine grinned. Her prank had gone quite well, and nobody suspected her. "Well, time to go Ezra!" she called. Ezra was thankful for the diversion and bolted off, leaving Hera shaking her head.

"Don't worry, it should wash off within a month," Sabine told Zeb, a smirk on her face.

"Oh, so this is your fault?" Zeb roared. "You—"

Hopping up, Sabine saluted them. "Duty calls, I gotta go get our supplies. Bye, guys." With that, she darted off in the direction of Ezra, leaving a fuming Zeb behind as she laughed the entire way.

Ezra glared at her when she joined him outside. "Really? You pin the blame on me?"

"You make it too easy!" Sabine smirked, and they began walked towards the town. "C'mon, I think we should just do the outside of the Ghost. It'll be much easier."


Ezra snuck out of his room to find Sabine waiting. There were buckets of paint surrounding her, and she smirked, showing him her sketch she'd done the night before. It was labelled with what part would be what color.

"Ready?" Sabine asked, excitement glinting in her eyes.

"Yep," Ezra nodded, popping the p. "This was your idea, for the record."

She merely rolled her eyes and passed a bucket of paint. Then, she took one for herself, and they both took off in opposite directions. Ezra sighed as he stood on the top of the Ghost.

"Hera is so going to kill us tomorrow," he muttered. He began spray-painting his area a lovely hyperspace blue. On the other end, he saw Sabine painting her spot a bright pink, and she waved at him.

By dawn, the two of them had finished, and the Ghost was a rainbow of colors. "Let's go," Sabine hissed. They snuck in, with their cans, and went into the girl's room, where Ezra immediately flopped on the floor.

Not too long later, they could hear Hera and Kanan talking, and Ezra glanced at Sabine, stopping a snicker from getting out.

"Well, Zeb is still going to be pink," Hera remarked, sighing. "As for the mission, we might need to borrow a new ship altogether, but I really don't want to."

There was a pause, then they heard Kanan say, "Actually, we might not need to."

"What do you mean, dear?"

Kanan hesitated, then sighed, "Just come out here and see." Hera's footsteps went towards the entrance, then they heard a loud gasp.


The two exchanged a look. "Well, time to run," Sabine squeaked. Ezra nodded in agreement, and they took off past a laughing Kanan and furious Hera.

"GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW, KIDS!" Hera shrieked, though she was laughing.

Zeb came out, rubbing his eyes, then did a double take. "Am I still dreaming?" he wondered.

"Nope! That's all real, buddy!" Ezra exclaimed as they ran by. "Just for your information, this was Sabine's idea, and not mine!"

"Somehow, that's hard to believe," Kanan said, raising an eyebrow.

Sabine laughed. "Like I said, Ez, you make it too easy. And yes, this was actually my idea, not his. It will wash off, though, in case you're worried."

Hera examined the ship. "Well," she sighed. "It got a makeover, like I said I wanted, even if it is a bit...bright."

"Careful what you wish for, dear," Kanan chuckled. Ezra and Sabine stopped running and joined them. "But I like it."

Sabine gave Ezra a triumphant look, and they high fived. "Mischief managed," she laughed.

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