Story-time and Meditation

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Ezra limped towards where he could see Ahsoka Tano sitting. He had just returned from a mission and had managed to dodge Hera and Kanan from yelling at him to get to the medbay.

Ahsoka lifted her head, feeling Ezra's presence near her. She turned around and realized that he was most likely injured, but was too stubborn to get help, like how she used to be (and still was). She sighed with a smile, shaking her head slightly.

"Hello, Ezra," she greeted. "Might I ask what you're doing here when you should be in the medbay?"

His footsteps paused for a moment, then he continued forward, sitting next to her. "Well, that's the thing," Ezra said. "I had a question I wanted to ask. When Kanan and I were talking about meditation, he mentioned moving, floating, and healing meditation. He  hasn't touched on the topic of those again, but I was curious."

Ahsoka glanced over him, analyzing his injures. He had gotten shot in the leg, as well as the arm, but wasn't in danger of dying anytime soon.

"Well, moving meditation, I prefer to do since I prefer to stay active instead of sitting completely still," Ahsoka began when she was satisfied with her examination. "When I was a padawan, my master and I fell asleep because we were doing normal meditation. Master Windu was not pleased with us, so my master's master and Depa Billaba, who was Master Windu's padawan and Kanan's master, taught us a lesson we would never forget." Ezra's eyes widened as he listened to her.


"What do you mean, just come here?" Obi-Wan asked Mace Windu, who had commed him. There was a growl of frustration, and the Jedi Master sighed. "Alright, I'm on my way." He rolled his eyes and got up from his comfortable position on the couch.

"What in the Force could be so important that Master Windu needs to interrupt my day off?" he wondered to himself. "This better be important."

Soon, he saw Windu and Depa Billaba standing in front of a training room. The younger girl was peeking in with a grin, while Windu had an exasperated look on his face and his arms were crossed.

"Master Kenobi," the other Jedi Master said. "Thank you for coming. Your former apprentice and his padawan are not leaving the training room, even though Depa and I reserved it."

Obi-Wan frowned. "What do you mean?" Mace Windu gestured for him to look inside, and he was greeted with quite the sight.

Anakin and Ahsoka were there, drooping onto each other as they slept. They appeared to have been attempting to meditate from the position of their legs, and Obi-Wan sighed, rolling his eyes again.

"Hello, Master Kenobi," Depa greeted cheerfully. "So what should we do? Kick out whoever's in the next room after giving Master Anakin and Ahsoka pillows and a blanket?"

He began to think through it, then smirked. "No, but I have an idea that will teach them not to fall asleep in the training rooms again," he told her. "If you'd like to help me, you may." He stepped into the room, and leaned down next to Anakin.

Depa followed him with a curious look, already giggling softly. Obi-Wan smiled at her, and she beamed back. She truly was a sweet padawan, even though she had been stuck with one of the most traditional and no-nonsense Jedi Masters that was Mace Windu.

Slowly, Obi-Wan began poking Anakin in the side, causing him to squirm in his sleep. Depa followed his lead, beginning to understand what he was planning. With a wide grin, she began tickling Ahsoka lightly, and the Togruta began stirring.

Anakin was the first of the two to wake, eyes flying open. Immediately, he began giggling and writhing around, disturbing Ahsoka, who woke up with a yelp.

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