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"H-H-Hera, i-it's s-so c-c-cold," Sabine shivered, her teeth chattering. "I h-hate being s-s-so c-cold."

"I k-know," Hera nodded. They were on Hoth, the perpetually freezing planet, and the two girls were bundled up together in the common room on the floor. Around them, blankets were spread and they were both wearing multiple layers.

The door burst open to show Kanan and Zeb, who were also bundled up. "H-hi, g-g-guys," Zeb chattered. "It was t-too c-cold by ourselves." They both flopped into the girls' fort of blankets.

Kanan cuddled close to Hera, and the two shared their body heat. "W-where's Ezra?" she managed to ask. "I-isn't h-he f-f-freezing?"

"H-he wasn't w-with us," Kanan responded, pulling another blanket over them. "I'm s-sure that he has m-many l-l-layers on, though." Sabine moved closer to them, enjoying the heat that came from them.

Once again, the door slid open to reveal Ezra. He seemed to have gone out, because there was snow on his face. The boy only wore his regular clothes, with no extra layers, and Hera gasped, worried for the boy.

"E-Ezra, y-you're g-g-going to catch your d-death of c-c-cold!" she managed to exclaim. "Come on, j-join us!"

He stared at them. "Wow, you must really be cold," he noticed.

"N-nice observation, genius. Aren't you?" Sabine asked, pulling a blanket tighter around herself. "Go g-get some extra b-blankets and join us!" Ezra sighed and walked out to grab his extra blankets while the others rearranged themselves.

"I think th-that when Ezra b-brings his blankets, we won't have a-any other blankets to use," Zeb commented.

They all gave a groan at that. Ezra walked back with a bunch of blankets, and he threw them on top of Sabine, who grunted. "Ezra!"

"What? I thought you were cold," he laughed. Ezra slid in next to Sabine, and she gasped as he wrapped his arms around her.

"What the—how are you so warm?!" Sabine exclaimed, cuddling closer to him. "Even after going outside with only one layer!"

Ezra shrugged. "I had to learn how to let my body temperature adjust to the weather," he explained. A small frown flew across his face. "It's colder in the winters of Lothal. (A/N If it isn't, which it probably isn't, just pretend it is). When you're on the streets, you have to learn how to do that sort of stuff or else you don't survive."

A sad look fell on Sabine's face, which Ezra noticed. "Hey, don't look like that!" he said, smiling at her gently. "At least you aren't freezing to death now."

"I guess," Sabine sighed.

"Ok, g-give me a t-turn," Hera decided. "I'm f-f-freezing s-still." Ezra laughed and moved over to the Twi'lek. "Oh, wow. You really are warm!"

Ezra found himself being squished between Hera and Kanan and looked at the two of them. "And you guys really are freezing," he said. "Isn't it supposed to get colder? How do you plan on lasting the winter?"

"We'll u-use you as a h-heat warmer," Hera responded. Ezra snorted and rolled his eyes playfully. "Why d-did we even c-c-come here a-anyways?"

"Last time I checked, we had a 'very exciting landing' on this planet," Ezra said, quoting Hera. They had crashed—ahem, had a very exciting landing on Hoth, which led to this. "Didn't you say they were going to send help?"

Hera shrugged. "They probably g-got caught up in the s-storm," she sighed. "I'm s-sure they'll be h-here s-s-soon."

Ezra laughed, wrapping his arms around her. "Well, why don't we watch something while we wait for them to appear?" That idea was met with much enthusiasm, so he got up to put something on.

"I call the Ezra-heater," Sabine announced, smirking. "I'm still cold."

"'Ezra-heater?'" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Thanks, 'Bine. I appreciate it, really, I do." Sabine merely laughed, and Ezra returned, slipping into the covers next to Sabine and Hera.

When the people who were sent to help finally came, they found the whole crew bundled up like that, under all the blankets.

Hi people! First day of school for me, but I haven't died yet! I published this because I was bored, so I hope y'all like it!


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