Gravity Tag

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Sabine was drifting in her room as she tried to paint. "Hey, Hera, why am I floating?" she asked into her comlink. "I'm not complaining, I just thought that maybe I should ask." 

As she said that, she reached out to grab a different color, then kicked her legs to get to the part of the wall she wanted to paint. Softly, she began humming as she waited for Hera to respond to her question.

"Either the gravity failed, or the boys are meditating again," Hera's voice came. "Remember last time?" 

Sabine laughed, thinking back. Ezra was newer to the crew, and he and Kanan had been practicing meditating. All of a sudden, things had begun floating, much to their confusion. When Kanan was finally alerted of it, he interrupted Ezra's meditating and everything dropped. It had made a pretty big mess, and they had spent an entire day cleaning things up.

"It's not us," Ezra called. "I'm floating too, and Zeb's somehow still sleeping." There was a thunk and an "Ow!"  "Just kidding, not anymore," Ezra added.

"Why am I floating?" Zeb grumbled. "I was having a nice nap, then crashed into the upper bunk. Can you get me down?"

Hera sighed. "If you can fix the gravity, then you can get yourself down. I'm a bit busy here. Somebody didn't fix our hyperdrive, so I have to do it myself." There was some mechanical grumbling, and both Sabine and Ezra let out a shocked laugh. 

"C1-10P!" Hera shrieked. "I might just let Ezra and Kanan use you for their Jedi practice!" Sabine laughed, doing her best to grab the other color. 

"What did he say?" Zeb asked, sounding confused.

Ezra laughed. "Trust me, you don't want to know. Where's Kanan, by the way? He hasn't said a single word since our conversation started."

"Oh, I'm here," Kanan spoke up for the first time. "I've been drifting around in my room, getting entertained by all of you. Thank you very much for that, by the way, but I'd like to get down back to the floor some time soon."

Sabine hummed noncommittally, then said, "Then you have to fix it yourself. I, for one, am enjoying this. It allows me to get to the parts of the wall that I can't usually paint, so if we can't fix it, I'm fine with that." 

"Zeb managed to fall back asleep," Ezra told them. "But honestly, I shouldn't be surprised at that." 

"Yeah? Well, tell him to be productive and help me fix some of this," Hera growled. "ZEB, WAKE UP!" 

There was banging from the other room, and Sabine smirked. She floated over to open her door, and saw a disgruntled Lasat trying to get out of his room. Ezra also poked out his head and waved at her, a giant grin on his face.

Kanan also floated out of his room, struggling to move. "So, how's it going?" Kanan asked, watching Zeb make his way towards the exit. 

"Gravity is working against me," Ezra sang, doing a flip in the air as he, too, got out of his room. (If someone knows this song, I'm gonna be so excited XD)

"Yes, I think it's working against all of us, Ezra," Kanan remarked. "Why don't we go to the common room?" 

Sabine hesitated, looking back at her painting, then sighed and nodded. "Alright." She drifted out and closed her door, then made her way over to the room, following Ezra. 

They settled into floating around the room, and Ezra smirked slightly. "Master..." he said slyly. "TAG!" He whacked the Jedi master, then pushed off the wall and escaped the flailing man, who turned towards Sabine.

"Oh, no you don't!" Sabine squealed, kicking her legs furiously in an attempt to get away. However, she was too slow. Kanan tapped her shoulder, then used the force to get away. 

Kanan laughed. "You're it." 

Sabine rolled her eyes, and opened the door to the cockpit. She made her way towards Hera, who glanced suspiciously towards her. Sabine grinned evilly, causing the Twi'lek to drift back uneasily. 

"TAG, YOU'RE IT!" the Mandalorian shrieked, then wildly made her way out, where Ezra and Kanan were, laughing their heads off. 

They heard metal bang, and Hera and Chopper quickly joined them as well. Chopper used his rocket thrusters, able to get himself over to Kanan. However, the Jedi used the force and dodged the droid's arms, landing near Hera. 

Chopper grumbled, then managed to make contact with Ezra, who yelped in pain. "OW! Chopper, you nasty little good-for-nothing!" The droid beeped triumphantly and Hera rolled her eyes.

Ezra shrugged, then perked up as he heard stomping that was coming towards them. He made his way out to Zeb, grinning.

"Tag!" Ezra yelped, then used the force to boost himself back to the room, hearing Zeb's infuriated roar. 

Sabine laughed as she dodged Zeb. "C'mon, big guy, you're faster than that!" 

Zeb grinned menacingly, and Kanan whispered, "Uh oh..." As if on cue, the artificial gravity came back on, and the Lasat grabbed Sabine easily. The Mandalorian squealed, twisting furiously as she tried to escape.

"Who's fast now, huh?" Zeb teased. Ezra watched from the vents, having made his way out a few moments before. The others scrambled to find an excuse to leave, and Sabine finally landed onto the floor and ran off, Zeb right on her heels.

Ezra laughed softly. Though it could be crazy at times, he loved his family and wouldn't trade anything for it.

Wow, what's this?? I'm actually posting something? Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I haven't been able to come up with many ideas, so PLEASE SEND ME REQUESTS, I BEG OF YOU! Ok, but seriously, if you have any ideas, send them on in! Hopefully I'll begin updating more regularly (maybe once a week), but we'll see how that goes.

But how are all you people doing? Thanks to all the people who are reading this book, even if you don't interact with it, I do appreciate your support. Also, I know this is a little late, but Book of Boba Fett was pretty good, but I was mainly staying for the Mandalorian... If you watched that, how'd you like it? 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and catch you on the next update :)

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