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Ezra tumbled out of the bed, clamping a hand over his mouth as he rushed to the refresher. He managed to get to the toilet before he emptied the contents of his stomach. 

He kneeled there for a few moments after he was done, until he was certain that he could get up. Ezra rinsed out his mouth, cleaning up a bit, then walked out, wanting to find Hera, the motherly figure in his life. He walked down the hall, hesitating for a few moments before he knocked on the Twi'lek's door.

A few minutes passed before the boy heard a groggy, "Come in." He sighed with relief, then walked in, shivering slightly. 

"Ezra!" Hera said, surprised. "What's wrong?" Her instincts kicked in as she got out of the bed, placing a hand on Ezra's forehead. She gasped. "Ezra, you're running a fever!"

"I thought something like that happened," he croaked, hugging himself. "I got sick in the bathroom, and it's cold, Hera." 

Hera's green eyes widened. "Ok, let's see. You need some medicine, I'll get that for you in a moment. But, you can sleep in my bed tonight. C'mon." She practically dragged him into her own bed, tucking the blankets over him. "Are you still cold?"

"Kind of," Ezra admitted. "But you don't need to get more blankets for me." 

She rolled her eyes, then exited the room, saying, "I'll be right back, dear." A few moments later, Hera was by his side again, holding a spoon and medicine, thermometer, and more blankets. 

First, she threw the blankets over Ezra, fussing over him as she adjusted the blankets continually. Once she was certain that he was comfortable, Hera stuck the thermometer under his tongue to check his temperature. 

"Oh dear," Hera sighed. "Yep, you're running a fever." She showed the boy the thermometer that read 102.8

Ezra grumbled under his breath as he settled into the bed. "What about the mission tomorrow?" he asked, eyes widening. "Isn't it important?"

"It's alright, dear," Hera said soothingly. "It isn't that important, and we can deal with it another time. Your health is much more important that any of that. Now, I'll put a bucket here just in case you feel like you'll get sick again. And drink this." Without giving Ezra a moment to protest, Hera stuck the spoonful of medicine into his mouth.

He sputtered as he swallowed the liquid. "A little warning would be nice next time," he said, swallowing the rest of it. "Thank you, Hera." 

She smiled at him gently, brushing his dark hair out of his face. "Any time, dear. Is there anything else you need?" When Ezra hesitated, Hera tipped her head. "What's wrong?"

"Could you cuddle with me?" the boy blurted, flushing. "It's what Mom and Dad would do anytime I got sick, and I miss them. Sorry, if you don't want to, you don't have to." Hera interrupted him by climbing into the bed with him, holding him close to her.

"Of course, dear," she said sincerely, brushing her hand through his hair. "I'm always willing to do this, Ezra." He smiled in content, then closed his blue eyes as he drifted off to sleep. 

Hera soon followed, but not before whispering, "I love you, my darling."

Haha sorry if this sucks, it just popped into my head randomly. I was bored and wrote it, and it's kinda short, but whatever. I might expand on it another time, but that's it for now.

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