Chapter 2: Dinnertime Shennanigans

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"Y/N-San! Are you ready to go eat dinner? I'll accompany you!" He was back. Three weeks of him showing up in the medical bay, escorting you to dinner. You were going to get indigestion at this point, he talked and talked and you listened...sort of.

"I have three check ups to do."

"I'll wait it's no trouble. I completed all my duties and training so I can wait for you. I'll just read today's paper."

What's this guy's deal? Can he not take a hint? How dense can one guy be?

You'd taken a look at Koby's file that night after dinner, turns out you both were the same age. Even though you'd joined a year before he did, he quickly risen in ranks and apparently was s frequent visitor to sick bay.

Great that means having to spend even more time with him...yippee

You let a sighed and started to get your tools together for your next few appointments.

"Are you alright Y/N-San? Are you adjusting okay? Is anyone bothering you?"

Yeah someone is bothering me, you.

"Meh I can manage."

"You sure? Just call on your friends if you're having troubles."

"Don't have any." He tilted his head to the side confused.

"You don't have any troubles? That must be nice."

You didn't feel like correcting him, if he wanted to be in his own little world where everyone always made a friend, you figured there was no harm in letting him delude himself.

"Did you go see the dancing girls last night at the pub?"

Suddenly two soldiers walked in opening the door with a bang.

"Yeah....sigh....I want the one in green to keep me company."

"What are you talking about the one in purple is much more erotic."

"I like the more innocent types."

"Eh-hem. Are either of you here for your appointments?" You did not want to hear this kind of talk especially from two men who seemed to be in their late 40s.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the doctor for this ship."

They looked at you than at each other than both just started to laugh.

"Hahahahaha! You hear that? She's a doctor."

"You got some sick sexual fantasy sweetie?"

You stood and walked to them until you were a foot away, crossed your arms and just stood there. Not moving not saying a word. You kept your face neutral and stood unmoving. You were making them uncomfortable, after about thirty seconds they started to fidget.

"Excuse me." Captain Koby stood and faced the two jerks standing in front of you.

"Who are-Captain Koby!" They saluted and faced the pink haired boy.

"I would advise you to be more respectful to our medical staff. This is Major L/N Y/N. She's responsible for help saving many lives. I would urge you two to be more appreciative of her."


You felt only slightly annoyed that they now regarded you as a physician. But you didn't let it linger. All you needed to do was keep everyone on board healthy and patch them all up every once in a while and get on with your life. You'd been a Major since your work during the war. You were content to stay that rank.

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