Chapter 8: Interesting people

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<Garp's POV>


Ace was dead...the boy he'd known and loved since he was a baby was gone. He remembered being there for his birth and saw as his brave mother held her son for less than a minute before taking her last breath.

Garp knew back then that the WG would continue to look for the babe there, so he took him to the only place he felt they wouldn't look. East Blue, he also made sure to give Ace his mother's last name to both protect him and pay tribute to her bravery and strength. He was only sorry that he hadn't found her sooner.

Now seeing Akagami Shanks cover the boys body with a white cloth he felt tears burning his vision. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out, all he wanted to do was kill Akainu for what he did, and for trying to attack Koby.

"Sir! Please go to the triage tent!" He heard someone call. When he looked down he saw a young girl with h/c and e/c standing no taller than 5'0, yelling for him to get treated. Seeing her shoulder emblem said 'Medic' he understood why she said what she said.

"I'm fine young lady. Go and find someone else to treat."

"I was actually suggesting you help bring the wounded, but if you'd rather say goodbye to your grandson I understand." And like that she walked off, searching for abled bodies to help collect the injured and find the dead.

Garp stood there dumbstruck for about 10 seconds before he looked to Ace again and saw them taking his and White Beard's bodies away to be buried. He reached into his pocket and felt the Vivire Card turned to ash.

"...if you'd rather say goodbye to your grandson I understand."

She hadn't called Ace a criminal, a pirate o menace or anything she simply called him his grandson. Not even Sengoku had done that. He looked around for her and couldn't find her.

Five Days Later

Garp found her, she was checking on people's conditions and depending on how bad they were she would move them to a specific tent. The red one was where surgeries were happening. The black one housed the dead, the white were the ones treated and needed rest and the green one where they currently were was the triage tent to go to one of the other three.

A second black tent was being erected, he watched her face, she barely showed any emotions on her face but her body language was shouting.

Save as many as you can!

He went to the soldier she'd just given a white ribbon to, to ask about her.

"Excuse me young man."

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Sorry son, how're you doing?"

"Just a couple of broken ribs, doc said I'll be okay just need to wrap up my torso and take same mild pain meds."

"The young lady who was working on you?"

"Ah yeah..."

"What son?"

"I mean I get it's crazy what with all the death and shit, but she seemed a bit standoffish. And kinda cold hearted."

"Did you get her name?"

"Sorry. She evaluated me and then moved on."

Garp patted his shoulder. He didn't understand why he wanted to know her name but he did. Keeping his mind busy kept him from thinking about Ace and whether or not Luffy was alive.

Three weeks later.

Garp returned to HQ after going back to his home island, where Dandan had taken him to task. Not that he didn't expect it. She'd taken care of Ace since he was a baby, and Luffy until he had been 17. She was something of a foster mom to them, he knew deep down she loved his boys and was hurting just as much if not more than him.

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