Chapter 41: The memories in the shadows

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<Koby's POV>

Koby didn't understand what was going on! He really didn't and it was starting to drive him crazy! Every single night he would have dreams of a faceless girl. She talked to him, held his hand, kissed him even made love to him. But anytime he thought he started to see who it was her face was blank!

It had scared him the first few times that it happened, he'd woken up drenched in sweat, and sometimes for reasons he couldn't figure out...each time it happened he cried.

He knew his subconscious was trying to tell him
Something he just couldn't figure out what it was.

He was headed to Garp's office to talk about the reverie that would happen in about a month. When he knocked he could smell something coming through the door. It was a familiar earthy scent with a hint of something sweet.

Where have I smelled that before?

"Koby my boy? You coming in?"

Koby mentally shook himself of the weird nostalgia feeling that had just washed over him and continued into the room. Once he was fully into the room, the smell hit him at a full force his head started to feel as though it were tearing itself in two. Pain he'd never experienced before in his life hitting him with no remorse or pity.

"Aaaagggggghhhhhh!!!!" The scream tore from his throat before he could even register it.

"Koby?!!! What's the matter kid?"

Garp stood not sure what had happened. All he saw was his pupil writhing on the floor In absolute agony.

Why can't the Ghoul Doctor be here??!!!

He picked up the young man and ran him to the medical bay, silently cursing himself for allowing Y/N to transfer.

"Hello my name is Koby! It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Y/N-San! Are you ready to eat dinner I'll accompany you!"
"Hahaha! I-I s-hahahaha-sorry! I hehehehe didn't think I'd scare you, you always seem so dauntless."
"Cause I want to get to know you better. About what makes you Y/N-San. Your likes, dislikes, hobbies etc..."
"...I will be your helping hand anytime you need me Y/N-San..."

"I love you Y/N."

Koby awoke with a start. He sat up and saw that he was in the infirmary. Resting with an IV in his arm. Tears suddenly fell down his face.

"Y/N...hic hic...Y/N. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!" His head in his hands and his heart in his throat!

How could he ever forget you? The look in your eyes when he held you! How tears filled your eyes when he found you on that accursed island! How could he forget the woman he loved with all his heart and soul! His anger towards himself and his own weakness was like a raging inferno and he didn't know how to quell it back to its calm.

He couldn't even see you. You transferred to Fujitora's ship! That's how much pain and sorrow you'd been feeling. He quickly rose and pulled the IV out, and ran to his room where he kept all his trinkets of your time together.

His pit of despair grew all the more deeper! You'd taken everything, he knew you hadn't done it out of spite. You would've done it out of concern. His memories of you would've been wiped out completely, and if he'd found his box of treasures he would've driven himself mad to find out who he'd accumulated everything with, it would've distracted him. And distraction wasn't something he could afford. You knew that, and had helped him.

His tears flowed freely again his heart aching, then he remembered! There was one thing he kept hidden from you. A couple actually.

He went over to his dresser to the fake bottom and unhooked it. There he found the personal den den mushi and a photo. The photo was of you and him from the paper. You were both sitting next to each other, asleep, the title had been:

"Here finally our heroes find rest after many nights of making sure we are safe with no sleep."

He'd kept it hidden from you, not on purpose just he always wanted some things that he could show you later.

"...And now I can't!"

Suddenly his door burst open. Garp was standing on the other side of it.

"Koby you can't just leave the medical bay! You freaked out the poor guy in charge!"

Garp saw Koby holding what looked like a photo and a den den mushi. He hit a button and suddenly Garp heard a voice he hadn't realized he'd missed so much.

"Koby it's me...I don't have a lot of time so I'm going to make this short. They are going to confiscate my den den mushi before I board the warship. I will be in confinement with a man called Vice Admiral Vergo. We aren't allowed any contact with anyone except the person we are to travel with. I didn't want to leave you with nothing and think that I was ignoring you or that I didn't care. But it's going to take a week to get to the island. And a week to come back and who knows how long this battle will last between the two men. Koby stay safe, and I...I Uh...Ahem! I love you. If you feel like your missing me. Just take a stroll by the ocean, that's one of my favorite things to do. I promise I'll take you on a date when I get back. I gotta go. Again stay safe!"

Garp stood there stunned. That had been almost two years was back when Aokiji and Akainu fought for the position Fleet Admiral.

"Vice Admiral Garp. I remember...hic hic...I remember her! I'm the worst boyfriend to ever exist!"

Garp came over and placed an arm on the young soldier a small smile creeping up his face as he reminisced about his own adventures in love and heart break.

"She still loves you boy. If she didn't she would've stayed, and not bothered to try to keep you and the others from trying to remember her."

"Do you think she'll forgive me?"

"I don't she hates you for something that wasn't even your fault."

"Vice Admiral Garp please report to your office!"

The two men strode into the office and found someone there with a report.

"Vice Admiral Tsuru's ship was attacked by the Beast Pirates as they attempted to get Doflamingo. Only two people fell overboard Seaman Jon, and Major General Dr. L/N Y/N.

Koby's world shattered he was shaking. He turned to leave to start a search party. He would use his SWORD membership to look for her.

I will find you! I know you aren't dead! I'm coming for you my Moon!

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