Chapter 24: Please don't say goodbye

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This chapter will be in Koby's POV!!! (Except for the beginning portion). We are about to get real emotional here!!!! I will probably write maybe 3 more chapters before I go on a hiatus with this story. I want to see where Oda takes his story and if we get more Koby in this next arc.

On an island

"Hey boss! Did you hear that Akainu guy is the new Fleet admiral for the Marines, and apparently there was an assassination attempt. They tried to blame us for it!"

"What did you say?! Give me that!" Eustass "Captain" Kid began to read the article. A lot of it was what the procedures had been for those who went to officiate the match between the two titans. When he got to the part of the assassin is when he read aloud for Killer to hear.

"Upon arriving back to Marineford, the first thing everyone saw was the triumphant Akainu Sakazuki, although scarred his shoulders were broad and proud: however, something almost happened to the new Fleet Admiral. According to Major General Dr. L/N Y/N, when she was making her rounds, she saw an assailant attempt to enter Akainu's quarters with a knife in hand. She made a move to stop the person but ended up with a broken hand, and was almost blinded in her right eye. When asked if it had been the Kid pirates, who were rumored to be in the same tide, Dr. L/N responded with this: "This was the work of a coward. Someone who wasn't brave enough to face Fleet Admiral Akainu head on so attempted to murder him in his sleep. Eustass "Captain" Kid is many things. However he is not a coward."

"Damn, whoever did it sure left a number on her poor face." Heat commented after seeing the photo.

"Yeah...too bad she's cute too. If she doesn't have a boyfriend or lover right now, she may not find one ever." Wire commented.

"What's wrong with women having scars?" Killer was genuinely curious.

This girl looked familiar, she reminded him of that medic that had called for Aokiji. He took a pencil and drew a hat on her head, it was her!

"Well I'll be damned." Kid chuckled.

"What boss?"

"Remember that medic chic on Garp's ship, the one who called for Aokiji but it turned out to be bullshit?"

"Oh yeah, you were heated about that for a good week."

"This is her." He showed them the drawing over her photo. They all whistled. "Hahaha I guess she can live if we ever run into her again. I can respect a marine who'd openly admit that we're not cowards. Maybe one day Dr. Y/N we'll meet again."

Kid was in a significantly better mood than the morning. But he did feel a tad bad for her, he could see the bottom part of the wound. It was going to be a large scar on her cute face.


~Koby's POV~

It'd been a week since you spoke to him. He couldn't get you to talk long enough to gage your mood. You went back to how you were before you'd confessed your feelings for him. Distant, aloof, blunt and then gone.

He wasn't expecting anyone else to really tell the difference though. If anything you'd been a hot topic, and people just assumed you were getting fed up with the attention.

He walked to Garp's office when he heard you and the old man talking.

"Akainu offered you a position serving as his personal physician? Are you going to take it?"

What? But that means...

Koby would never see you again if that were to happen.

"No sir. I explained that I was of more use in the field. He wasn't thrilled but he understood. We're short staffed we need medics here not hauled up safely away."

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