You spent a long time on the beach, you were wearing civilian clothes. Black shorts, white tank top and navy blue sneakers. You didn't know how long you had walked until there was no more sunlight along the coast and now the moon lit your path along the sand and water. You looked out onto the water. The steady waves always approaching and the receding, the ocean always fascinated you. When calm it could be predictable and a beautiful mystery, filled with beautiful creatures and stones.
You'd once shared your love of the ocean with your big brother. It was that love that got him killed. Remembering him was painful, he was a bright cheerful boy, who made everyone around him smile. He was 6 years older than you, and made sure you were taken care of. When he died, you had to learn how to care for yourself. It was around then you enlisted into the Navy.
A strong gust of wind blew making you shiver.
Probably time I head back.
"Hey cutie~what's your name?" You turned to see a group of drunk assholes coming towards you. You started to walk back the way you came, when the "leader" of the group decided to throw an arm around you.
"Hey now c'mon..."
"10 seconds."
"Why are you counting down?"
"4,3,2,1." You grabbed his forearm, and under his armpit and then kicked one of his shins, while he was suspended in the air your placed your other forearm by his throat than slammed him into the sand.
Out cold. One down two more in sight.
"You little bitch!" They both rushed you, luckily they were pretty intoxicated meaning you didn't have to worry about them overpowering you. You ducked, then rolled to the side, picking up the first thing you could; you threw a rock at one of their temples, causing him to vomit and collapse to the ground.
Before you could turn and run, the third guy grabbed you from behind and pulled you up so your feet were no longer touching the ground. One arm around your waist, the other hand used to cover your mouth.
"I can't wait to mess you up!" He spoke into your ear than bit it until you bled. Now you were just ticked off. Luckily they had special defense classes for female officers too, a lot of the maneuvers focused on flexibility. With your core you brought your legs up and wrapped them around his neck. Then with his weight leading the way, you threw him onto the sand and put him in an arm bar. Three seconds later you broke his arm.
"Aaaarrrggg!!! My arm!! You stupid cunt!!!!"
Breathing heavily you began your walk back to the warship. You needed to look at your ear and give yourself a few injections to be sure you didn't get any sexuality transmitted diseases. One good thing about being the gloomy loner is that everyone left you alone.
As you got to the door you felt a presence behind you.
"Hey little doctor! Was wondering if you could squeeze me in, my head has been killing me all day."
Fuck it's Vice Admiral Garp!
"I'll give you some Belladonna, that'll help with your headaches and sleep deprivation. Wait here please."
"Why you holding your ear? You get a piercing?"
"No. Be right back with the Belladonna and a dosage."
You walked into the pharmacy area and quickly disaffected your wound then found the medicine to inject yourself with, you made a mental reminder to test your blood in two weeks to make sure you were good. You then bandaged your ear and hid it with your hair.

Wind in our Sails KobyXReader
FanfictionY/N is described as hardworking, dedicated and very good at reading people. She is also described as quiet, strange, and gloomy. When Y/N is transferred to Koby's Unit he is determined to have her open up to him and to befriend her. But as he gets...