Chapter 21: Fleet Admiral pt.1

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I know this photo doesn't really fit but I saw it and liked it 😅. Credit goes to the original artist!!!! Enjoy the chapter

The evening was progressing well after you had entered the hall, dinner had been served. You were between Koby and Vice Admiral Garp. You felt Koby stare at you a few times but you couldn't look back, you just knew if you did your face would go red like a lobster.

"So you two decided to come together huh?" You heard the teasing in the old man's voice. You decided to take another bite of your steak.

"Well Garp I heard that the noble's daughter sent the request using his stamp. When he found out he made her go home." Vice Admiral Momonga simply stated.

You nodded to confirm and then took a sip of water. There was wine but you thought it was smarter to stay away from it.

"Presenting Admiral Akainu, Admiral Kizaru and Amdmiral Aokiji!"

It got quiet again as the three admirals of the navy stepped into the reception hall. You were intimated the moment you saw them but kept your face neutral. You all stood to salute the three men who walked right towards you.

"Congrats Koby you did good you deserve this." Aokiji patted his shoulder than moved to his seat and began eating.

"Oooo this is a pretty place. Congrats." Kizaru barley spared a glance and continued to his seat.

When Akainu came into view an involuntary shiver ran through you. And you saw Koby go stiff as well considering that the man tried to kill him during the war.

"You didn't let a single person die. That's a feat rarely ever achieved. Well done!" He held out his hand and Koby shook it.

"Thank you Amdiral Akainu!" His eyes then went to you.

"You look familiar."

"Sir I am Dr. L/N. My rank is Major General."

He seemed to rack his brain before a look of realization dawned on him.

"The Ghoul Doctor? The one who's had the most transfers in the Navy to date?"

"Yessir." He looked at you again and crossed his arms.

"You don't look like a ghost."

"The nickname refers to my personality sir."

"I see. Enjoy the evening."

Everyone took that as a que to sit down, when you sat down you felt Koby grab your hand beneath the table, he gave you a look that he was worried about you. You squeezed and offered him a small smirk which had him smiling at you.

An hour later you were standing towards the back while Koby was talking to the higher ups. He seemed much more relaxed now that he could move around. You were more than happy to watch. Every once in a while he would look for you, and when he found you he'd smile and you would nod.

"Shouldn't you be with him?" Grount found you and leaned against the wall with you.

"I figured more people would approach him without me. And besides this night is about him, not the two of us. He deserves this moment."

"Yeah yeah. You do look nice tonight by the way, where did you get the dress? I heard a lot of the female soldiers complain about not finding anything special enough."

Oh if you only knew the truth to this dress.

"A street vendor. I got lucky."

Grount and you talked for a little bit more about anything that came to mind. You felt a presence come up behind you, when you looked you saw Akainu staring at Koby, he didn't acknowledge you or Grount. But when he felt your eyes on him he looked at you then.

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