This was starting to become irritating. Each week you got a letter of a transfer request from Garp's ship to Marine HQ. Garp had suggested filing a complaint, but when you pointed out who was in charge of that, he didn't offer that suggestion again.
Currently you were in your office fiddling with your guitar, working on those callouses that apparently you should have. You had just learned the different strings, and were messing around when a knock came to your door.
"Enter!" You placed the guitar down and smiled when you recognized Garp. "Hello Vice Admiral Garp."
Yoru cawed and started to fly around the old man before landing on his shoulder.
"Y/N-Chan I told you to just call my Grandpa when it's just us two."
"Yeah...I don't think that's ever gonna happen."
You started the hot water and began making his favorite green tea, and you even started to keep the rice crackers he loved in your office just in case he ever visited.
"What brings you by sir?"
"Can't I ever just have a social visit with my favorite Ghoul Doctor?"
You raised an eyebrow at him before handing him his tea and crackers.
"Haaa. Koby told you about SWORD correct?"
"He did."
"Did he tell you who the Captain of SWORD is?"
"It's not you?" You were genuinely confused! SWORD seemed like something Garp would come up with.
"Nyahahahaha! Not anymore. Not for a while."
Which meant at one point he was. It made you wonder if he was the original founder of SWORD.
"So who's the Captain?"
"You'll meet him here in a couple of weeks. But for now...what are you doing?"
He motioned to the guitar and you huffed you ran your nails through your scalp, and then shook your head.
"I am trying to teach myself guitar for Saphi's wedding. She wants me to write a song for her and her husband."
"Isn't her wedding in three months?" You nodded. "Gyahahaha good luck with that!"
"You're the third person to say that." You groaned and the old man kept laughing.
He was slapping his knee laughing his ass off at your misfortune, you simply glared at the man before someone came bursting into your infirmary. Your eyes widened in shock it was Admiral Ryokugyu, he seemed like he was in a good mood.
"I don't like this Y/N. He's giving off some serious weird vibes. Like he watched a kitten die and is happy about it."
"That's a strange thing to be happy about..."
"Yeah well I don't think he's all that normal."
Yoru cawed at the intruder and received a glare from the tall man.
"Ah, there you are Ghoulish girl. You're needed at the Seven Warlords meeting. Get dressed you have 5 minutes."
You went to changed while hearing Garp whisper 'I didn't hear anything about it,' but didn't bother to argue. You had to keep up the appearances and do as your told without argument. Most of the time. The only time you ever argued orders was when it had something to do with a medical emergency, or civilian safety.
You quickly changed and Yoru perched on your shoulder and you started to walk out. You didn't bother to ask where the Admiral had gone, you simply started your strides to HQ, and all the while wondering why you needed to be in the meeting.

Wind in our Sails KobyXReader
FanfictionY/N is described as hardworking, dedicated and very good at reading people. She is also described as quiet, strange, and gloomy. When Y/N is transferred to Koby's Unit he is determined to have her open up to him and to befriend her. But as he gets...