"I promise I won't ever leave you again,"

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Sophie's POV
( Suggested by: @FunForever21 )
(‼️Trigger Warnings: injuries, blood, slightly mentions death, arguing ‼️)
It has been 2 weeks since we last seen Keefe. He decided to try to take on the Neverseen himself and no one could stop him because no one knew. One day he just left leaving only a note behind saying:
Dear Sophie,
More like Dear everyone because I know as soon as you find this letter you will show everyone, and I am counting on that. So hi... please don't hate me. I am about to do something that is probably not that smartest. But hopefully this will work. I am going after the Neverseen. Please please don't follow me to them. I will figure this out for myself. But I don't want any of you to get hurt. So please please just stay away and stay with each other. I will try to be back as soon as I can. This is something I have to do so please understand. This will all be okay. I'll be okay.
From Keefe
After I found that letter on the foot of my bed I immediately showed everyone like Keefe knew I would. Everyone has different reactions. Fitz kind of shut down and hasn't been hanging out with us as much. Biana has been extra emotional, Dex has been extra quiet lately. Linh has been more nervous lately, she is scared of what is going to happen to Keefe. Even Tam has been extra edgy lately. All of the adults have made sure that none of us go after Keefe. We all tried to make plans and convince the adults to let us go help him but they wouldn't let us. We have all been super stressed out lately over Keefe. We all just want him home and know he is okay. I want him home. I need to know he is okay. I need him to know how I feel about him. I have kept it a secret for too long. But of course when I finally start to understand how I feel he was gone. I just really want to know he is okay. I look at the letter I once again hold in my hand. It is a off white piece of paper. I get up off of my soft bed and walk over to my desk where a drawing of Keefe and I that Keefe gave me. I place the papers next to each other and I can tell Keefe used both of them from his notebook. It causes me to smile ever so slightly remembering how Keefe always had his sketchbook with him. He was always drawing something.
"Um, hey Foster," The voice catches me off guard. It sounds tired and weaken. I turn around and am startled by what I see. It's Keefe standing in my doorframe, bloody and bruised. He has a cut on his cheek and a huge bruise on his forehead. He looks paler than normal.
"K-Keefe," He smiles slightly and I run over and hug him tightly not wanting to ever let him go. He wraps his arms gently around my waist. I close my eyes and soak in the fact the he is okay then I start to get upset and I pull away. "How could you just leave Keefe? You just left, you didn't say anything to me. You should have at least taken me with you. Why did you think it was a good idea to go alone. Keefe. You could have been hurt much worse then you are now! What would I have done if you just didn't come home. I care about you so much and you just leave! To get fight the Neverseen! By yourself! I was so worried Keefe! So worried!" I run my hands through my hair, I don't like yelling at Keefe but I just can't understand why he would just leave like that.
           "Why...why do you even care Sophie, I am worthless," All my emotions come out at one time.
          "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU," I let out in half a cry and half yell. I turn away from Keefe not knowing how he will react. I hear his footsteps gently walk towards me. He places his hand on my shoulder.
         "I love you too, I always have," My eyes start to water and I turn back towards him. He cups my cheek with my cold hands. "Can I kiss you," I nod and our lips connect. His lips are rough and cold. But the kiss causes me to feel warm and happy. I am happy to know that Keefe is home and that he is here with me. And that he loves me too and is currently kissing me. I reach my hands up to his hair, running my finger through it. I smile gently and we pull apart leaving our foreheads touching.
          "Come on Soph," he laughs a very fragile laugh. "Don't mess with the hair," he teases even though his hair was already dirty and messy.
         "It's good to know you are still you," He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and pulls me into another hug.
         "I promise I won't ever leave you again,"

Once again this is me writing at 1:30 am. So I'm going to go to sleep now. Thanks again for the suggestion @FunForever21 ! I hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day!

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