Royalty AU part 2

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Biana POV
"Mother, father, hello," I say looking down at my tile floor. This can't be happening, this seriously cannot be happening.
    "Mr. Dizznee if you can please give us a moment with our children," Dex bows and scurries out of the room flashing me a smile before he walks out. My parents have a firm expression. They shared a confused look with each other which scares me even more.
"Biana honey, you should have told us sooner. Now we better go see how fast we can get Dex a suit for tonight," I look up at my mother.
    "Really?!" My parents smile and nod there heads. I run up and hug them. "Thank you," I let go and back up to where Fitz stands.
"Now go tell Mr. Dizznee the good news," My father says and I hug my parents one more time before running down the halls to see Dex. I run over to the garden where I know he will be. He always goes to the garden when he is bored, he finds it fascinating. He stands sketching a rose in his notebook.
"Dex!" I jump onto him and hug him.
"Wow Biana, what happened?"
"Your coming to the ball with me tonight," His face breaks out into a huge smile. He picks me up and spins me around. I let out a slight squeal and he puts me down and hugs me.
"Really?" I nod.


I look in the mirror one more time. I am in my teal dress, I have my hair up in an fancy bun, and black heels. I'm ready, so I walk out of room to be met by Dex. He is wearing a dark blue suit, and a teal tie that matches my dress.
    "You look beautiful," he says as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, which causes me to smile. I'm so happy that I can be with Dex, and even though I'm young. I hope I stay with him forever.
    "I love you Dex," I realize what I blurted out and look up at him.
    "I love you too Biana," he plants a quick kiss on my lips. "Thank you,"
"For what?"
"For helping me be the best person I can be," he says and my cheeks flush red. I hug him so tight, not wanting to ever let go. But, I know we have to go to the ball. So, I let of but still hold his hand. Fitz comes walking up to us.
"Hey I hate to break it to you Dex but there are going to be a lot of jealous princes out there. My sister is quite popular," Fitz says and I stifle a laugh while Dex smiles.
"I see why,"
"Now come on, we don't want to be late," Fitz starts walking towards the ballroom and we follow him. We walk until we see the ballroom doors. I look over at Dex.
"You ready?" He nods his head and we walk in as happy as can be.

    Hi, sorry this took a while to write. It's now winter break so I will hopefully have time to write more. I'm also debating if I should make another oneshots series for a different fandom. What is everyone's thought, should I and if so what fandom? Well that's it for now. So, I hope everyone has a great day! Happy holidays!

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