"I'm not much of a dancer,"

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Hi I am so sorry for the lack of content. School has been absolutely crazy with finals and our school play just ended which I was teching for, so I have been very busy. But here is this, hope you enjoy.

Human AU
Sophie's POV

"Sophieeee. Homecoming is in a 2 days! We all need to get our dresses," Biana whines and Linh nods her head in agreement.
"She is right Sophie. We all just need to see what colors the boys are wearing so we can match," Linh says.
           "I'll text Dex and ask him" Biana pulls out her phone.
           "I'll ask Wylie," Linh says.
           "Aren't we going dress shopping with them in like 30 minutes? Can't we just ask them then?" I ask. These two have been obsessing about homecoming for the past month, and now that it's this week they have been obsessing over it even more. I am excited too, especially since it will be my first dance with Keefe as my boyfriend. But, I'm not losing my mind like these two. I start putting on my shoes.
         "You're right. We should just go now and meet them early," Biana grabs Linh and runs out the bedroom door.
          "Hey! Wait for me!" I pull the second shoe onto my foot and run out the door after them.

*time skip brought to you by my very busy tech week schedule and my lack of sleep*

           "Hey girls," Keefe opens the door to the dress shop. Biana and Linh run in and hug their boyfriends. Keefe smiles at me as I walk in. He shuts the door and hugs me. "Hey,"
          "How are you?" We walk towards where the girls were already looking through all the dresses while Dex and Wylie are talking with each other. He gently grabs my hand.
           "Hey Sophie,"
           "Hey Dex," I wave to Wylie and he waves back. I walk over to where Biana and Linh are looking through dresses. I look through the racks of dresses. They are all so sparkly and glittery. I look over and Biana is holding like 8 dresses. I see a couple of dresses that aren't that fancy but they just don't seem like me.
            "What about that one?" Keefe points to a red silk dress. It has a sweetheart neckline and looks a bit longer then knee length.
              "I actually like that one,"

*another skip brought to you by lack of sleep I've gotten due to my friends*

             "Oh Sophie have a good time tonight okay?" Edaline says as she pulls up to our school Foxfire.
"But not too much fun," Grady sighs. I look out the car window and see Biana wave at me. She is standing with everyone else.
              "Go! Have fun!" I open the car door and walk over to Biana. I'm wearing the red dress I got, I have my hair curled with half of it pulled up into a bun. I'm wearing short black heels with a matching small black purse. Biana told me how to put on a little bit of a sparkly gold eye shadow, mascara, and a red lip gloss.
              "Sophie you look gorgeous," Biana pulls me into a hug. I look and everyone is here but Keefe, Linh and tam. Biana is wearing a teal dress that matches her eyes perfectly. A car pulls up and I see Keefe get out.
             "Sophie, you look absolutely beautiful," he hugs me.
             "Thank you, you look very handsome yourself," he is wearing a charcoal black suit with a red tie, with a smile on his face. He gives me a hug then slips his hand into mine. A truck parks and I see Linh and Tam get out of it. Linh is wearing a sliver sparkling dress. Linh hugs Biana, then hugs me.
              "Now that everyone is here should we go in?" Biana asks. We all nod and walk towards the entrance. The dance is in our schools gym. I hear music coming from inside. There is a small table set up outside. We had the people sitting at the table our tickets and we walk in. The gym is breath taking. There is music blasting from a DJ, there is confetti everyone, there are photo booths set up in one corner of the gym, half the floored is layed out as a dance floor, there are so many brightly colored lights, and many tables of food set up.
              "Let's dance," Wylie takes Linh over to the dance floor when they dance. Biana and Dex run over to the photo booths, and everyone else runs off to a different part of the dance.
              "How are you doing Soph?"
              "I'm good, I'm really excited. How about you?" I ask Keefe.
              "I'm excited to be here with you," I smile and my cheeks flush red. "Do you want to dance?"
              "I'm not much of a dancer,"
              "That's fine, thanks for coming with me,"
              "Of course Keefe,"
               "Do you want to get food?" He asks.
               "Yeah that sounds good," we walk over by the food where Fitz is glaring at Dex from across the room.
               "Fitzy be nice, you're scaring the poor boy," Keefe says with a laugh as he looks from Fitz to Dex.
               "Yeah but he's holding Biana's hand and-"
               "Fitz, it's Dex. He literally made sure it was fine to date Biana, with you. Fitz he asked you. He didn't need to do that," I remind him.
               "Yeah...yeah. I'm going to go dance for a bit,"
               "Have fun fitzy," Keefe grabs a soda and hands it to me. "Here m'lady"
               "Thanks," he grabs one for himself. I lean my head on his shoulder and smile. I'm so happy to be with him.
               "I love you Keefe,"
               "I love you too Soph,"

Hello, it's very in character of me to be posting this at 2 am. Anyways I hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day!

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