"So many things I want to say"

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(Keefe POV)
         "Hey Keefe," I turn around and see the one and only Sophie Foster. She is so beautiful today, she is wearing black leggings with a red tunic. Red really is her color.
         "Hey Foster. You look really good today," I say as a pink blush creeps up on her cheeks.
"Are we playing make Sophie blush, because Keefe always wins," Dex walks up with Biana and Fitz.
"No, I was just telling Foster how awesome I am, right?" This causes Sophie to blush even redder. Biana starts to giggle as Tam and Linh walk over with Wylie.
"What happened now?" Tam sighs.
"Oh, I was just laughing at how oblivious Sophie and Keefe are," Biana sputters out in between her fit of giggles. Now it's my turn to blush. I've liked Sophie ever since I meet her.
"How about a sleepover tonight at Havenfield?" Sophie asks breaking the awkward tension between us. Everyone nods and mumbles their agreements. Suddenly the bells rings and everyone rushes off to class. Except, for Sophie who stays behind.
"Hey, you coming? I'll even skip just to walk you to class," I say hoping I get a smile out of Sophie.
   "Sure, that sounds great," she smiles as she grabs my out stretched arm.

~Time Skip~
          As I walk in to Havenfield the first thing I hear is "Let's play truth or dare,"
          "Did I hear dare I'm down," I say as I walk in. Everyone is in Sophie's room siting on the floor, so after I set my stuff down I walk over and sit next to Sophie. I can tell she is kinda nervous, just by looking at her, but, also I can feel her emotions through the air.
         "Biana truth or dare?" Fitz must want revenge on Biana because he has a evil
glint in his eye when he said this.
         "Dare, became I'm not scared of you," Biana smiles probably praying Fitz wouldn't do anything that bad.
         "I dare you to take off your makeup and not use anymore all week," Biana doesn't even know what to say. She sighs and walks out of the room. It takes her like 5 minutes to come back in, and when she gets back in she sits down and pouts.
          "Keefe truth or dare?" Biana asks mischievous.
          "Is that even a question, dare," I say like it is the most obvious answer in the world.
"Ok. I dare you to confess your love to Sophie," At this me and Sophie turn beet red. I know I, the great Keefe Sencen, can't back down from a dare. So, I slowly turn towards Sophie.
          "Foster, there are so many things I want to say. But, let me just tell you how you make me feel. You make me feel like the luckiest elf in the world when I hang out with you, and when you act all feisty it's adorable. I guess what I'm getting at is I like you, Sophie," I look at her waiting for a reaction. She leans in and looks me in the eye. Then, she closes the gap and kisses me. At first I freeze in shock, but then I quickly realize this is real and kiss back. Her lips are soft and the kiss is calming. I reach up and cup her cheek. I feel her smile and this makes me so happy. I suddenly remember everyone is watching us, so I slowly pull away.
         "So, I take it you like me too," I say and Sophie smiles and nods.
         "Yep and you don't know how long I've wanted to tell you," She smiles and she moves closer to me. I look up from her and everyone is staring at us. Biana and Linh start squealing at the top of their lungs. Fitz looks a little jealous. Tam, Dex, and Wylie are all smiling.
"What?" I say with a mischievous smile.
"You owe me," Biana and Linh say at the same time. Wylie and Dex both sigh.
"You bet on us?" Sophie asks blushing bright red.
"Yep, I bet Wylie that you two would confess in the next month and Biana bet Dex the same thing. The boys said it would take longer, but that was 2 1/2 weeks ago. Now they both owe us a shopping trip to Atlantis," Linh says smiling. Biana's face matches Linh's and Dex and Wylie look like they know they are about to spend a lot of money on these girls. I smile knowing I will be doing the same for my Foster.
"Hey Foster, you wanna go to Atlantis tomorrow night as in a date?" I say gently grabbing her hand and holding it in mine.
"Sounds perfect," Sophie's smile could light up a whole room and I know right then and there that I will love this girl forever.

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