"I don't hear you complaining"

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Biana's POV
I finally hear the bell ring and race out of my ability session. I am so tired after a long day. It is the first day back after mid-term break. I quickly walk to the leapmaster when I run into someone.
"Sorry," I mumble thinking I ran into a random student, but when I looked up I saw a familiar pair of periwinkle eyes.
"O-Oh, umm hey Dex," I say as a pink flush covers my cheeks. I have had the biggest crush on Dex for like for what feels like ever. I just feel like I'm invisible sometimes and not just because I'm a vanisher. Sometimes I feel like my friends just don't notice me.
        "Hey can you come over? The triplets have been such a handle lately. And, I know how much they like you so, I may have told them you were coming over to make them behave," Dex sputters out, while looking down at his shoes.
        "Of course, I love hanging out with the triplets. Let me just tell go back to Everglen, drop off my school supplies, and tell my parents. Then I'll be right over." I reply with a smile.
20 minutes later
"Where are the triplets?," I ask not hearing any screams as I walk into Dex's house.
"Oh yeah, I totally forgot my mom promised she would take them to Atlantis after school today. But, I figured we could hang out. If you want," Dex sputters our with turning a deep shade of red.
        "That sounds great," I say turning almost as red as Dex. We walk into his room and I sit on his bed. I look around at his room. It's actually pretty clean besides the parts and gadgets sprawled across his desk. I think I see crush cuffs on there but before I can get a better look, Dex grabs them and shoves them into his closet.
        "Dex, I-I have to tell you something. I um... kind of like you," I stumble out of my mouth.
        "That's cool because I um kind of like you too," Dex says blushing beet red. "Well now that I know that, I have something for you," he says as he walks over to his closet and grabs the pair of crush cuffs. He comes back over and grabs my hands and slips the crush cuffs onto my wrists, then onto his.
"Dex! Wha-what?" I say as he grabs my hand.
"I don't hear you complaining," he says as he turns redder than anyone has ever blushed, even Sophie.
"Shut up. Your ruining the moment," I mumble as my face turns almost as red as his. I lean closer and our faces are almost touching. Suddenly I hear a grumble from the door.
         "Mom said I could find you here," I turn to Fitz standing in the doorway. I sit there frozen cursing Fitz's very existence.
         "B-bye Dex I'll see you tomorrow at school," I say then before I can chicken out I kiss his cheek then stand up and walk towards the door. I see Fitz turn around and give Dex a dirty look. I just keep walking until we get outside. As, we are about to leap away I look at Fitz because he hasn't said anything since I was in Dex's room. I quickly step into the beam of light and as soon as I see Everglen Fitz screams "MOM, DAD, BIANA HAS A BOYFRIEND." I vanish and run to my room and look the door. I      pull out my imparter and haul Dex. I can still hear my parents trying to figure out what happened. As, soon as I see Dex's face I smile.
          "Hey Dex," I say as I remember the way my lips left on his cheek.
          "Hey Biana, I miss you," he says as he blushes slightly.
          "Um so I have-um... a question," I mumble half hoping me doesn't hear me.
          "Go ahead, what is it?" he says looking at me questionly.
          "Will you be my boyfriend," I say looking at my feet and start blushing.
          "Of course, Biana. I-I love you," Dex says and I finally look up. A simile burst upon my face.
          "Dex, I love you too."

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