1: Relationships

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Enter (my fren):You girls got any relationships with any guy?                                                                            

Me: Uh, used to, but we broke up.                                                                                                                                  

Ihave1IQ (my best friend): Once in my whole life never *smiling*                                                                    

Enter: ONCE IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE NEVER?!                                                                                                              

Me: She's allergic to boys.                                                                                                                                                  

Ihave1IQ: I am never going to have any relationships with any guy                                                                

Me and Enter: Oh yeah?                                                                                                                                                      

Me: What if some guy like you? Since you are smart, boys like people that are smart.                            

Ihave1IQ: UHHHHH I'LL REJECT THEM!                                                                                                                        

Me: They are going to think you are self-conscious-                                                                                                 

Ihave1IQ: You are right about that. 😅

You guys may ask why Ihave1IQ calls herself that, even though she is smart, it's because she called herself that. Don't ask me why.

Also a pic of how we look like:  

Left: Enter

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Left: Enter

Middle: Me

Right: Ihave1IQ

Next part is an AUL art

That is all from me! 

See you in the next part!

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