Me and my boyfren moments-

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Boyfren: Shorty~

Me: At lest I can pick up stones faster 

Boyfren: what do you mean?

Me: I can hit you with the stones quickly-

Boyfren: Right...

Ex best friend: Hey cutie~

Me: Get the fuck away

Ex best friend: *fake sneezes* sorry I'm allergic to loser

Boyfren: *fake sneezes* Sorry I'm allergic to bullshit

Ex best friend: UGH?! How dare you?!

Boyfren: You can't make me break up with her, I love WesternGirl12 and her only, unlike a bitch like you

(This was when I was sick)

Boyfren: Heard you're sick, you feeling okay?

Me: Yeah I'm fine, just sore throat and cough

Boyfren: Bored?

Me: Nah

Boyfren: I'll spam you stickers

Me: Meh why not

*le spam stickers*


Me: I'm tired-

Boyfren: ...

Boyfren: Want me to carry you?

Me: W...what? No!

*still does it anyway*

Me: *Oh my god is this a dream he's carrying me EEEEEEK-*

Jellyiscool: When is your so called boyfriend gonna come?

Me: Soon, and don't be rude

Jellyiscool: Yeah yeah whatever

Boyfren: Hello! Sorry I'm late, WesternGirl12! Is that your brother by chance?

Me: It's alright if you're late, and yes, this is Jellyiscool, my older twin brother!

Jellyiscool: *looks at my boyfren*

Jellyiscool: *if you ever break her heart I'll break your spine like a twig*

Boyfren: *her brother's scary-*

Jellyiscool: Wait a minute

Me: What?

Jellyiscool: How tall is he?

Me: 5'10... why?

Jellyiscool: *he's that tall?!

Jellyiscool: *looks at my boyfren again*

Jellyiscool: *You're lucky your tall, but break her heart... I'll break yours too.*

Boyfren: *Halp-*

That's it

My boyfren sure is very loyal

I'll upload more when there's more moments of us

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