11: Awkward moments (Some AUL ships lmao)

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Player: *Drops his phone* Oops, I dropped my phone. Let me take it.

Veteran: Nah, let me help you.

Player: Oh, okay. Uhm thanks!


Baggy: Uhm here's some flowers for you Blondie

Blondie: Oh thanks Baggy! You're so sweet!


Mr. Cheese: *Crying*

The Gentleman: You okay Mr. Cheese?

Mr. Cheese: No, I'm fine. Thanks for asking The Gentleman

The Gentleman: *hugs Mr. Cheese*

Mr Cheese: Oh, thanks for the hug Gentleman.

The Gentleman: No problem beanie boy.


Captain and Dum walking together

Captain: *Holds Dum's hands*

Dum: Captain why are you holding on to my hand?

Captain: I just wanted to.

Dum: That's sweet of you.


Engineer: What's wrong Gnome?

Gnome: Nothing...I'm fine.

Engineer: *Doing something I don't want to write (Cause it's gonna make me blush)*

Gnome: Thanks...

Engineer: Anything for you Gnome.

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