Chapter 6

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It was the next day of school and Haruto surprisingly woke up on time. He wanted to at least look decent than yesterday when he arrived to school looking like a disaster. As one could expect his mon was surprised that she didn't had to yell at her son to get out of the bed.

He was currently sitting in the dining table scrolling through his phone, waiting for Jeongwoo. He texted him last night to make sure he was alright and if he was coming to school today and all he received was a 'yeah'. He just shrugged it off but deep inside, something didn't feel right.

There was the sound of the doorbell ringing and his mom telling him that Jeongwoo was here. He quickly took his bag and went outside.

And there was Jeongwoo in his usual school uniform, standing in front of the door. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.

"Don't you dare say anything about me being early today." Haruto said with an embarrassed tone.

"Yeah, whatever." Jeongwoo just rolled his eyes at his friend.

Yesterday's evening was actually fun for Jeongwoo. Both him and Junkyu spent the whole night talking about how they used to be when they were kids, along with Junkyu telling him  about Chungju and his cats.

It almost made him forget about how he was sulking for the whole say because of his small crush. They exchanged contacts before Junkyu left after dinner. It was nice reuniting with an old friend.

And now, he was here with his crush. He thought about it at night. It was not like he did have a chance, because no matter what Haruto only say him as a friend. He thought it might just be a small form of attraction and not a crush, and he could get over him.

But it was all in vain when he say him today. Seeing Haruto, all his feelings came back along with a bit of sadness.

"It's great that you're early today. We need to go somewhere else before school starts." Jeongwoo said and started walking.

"Where?" Haruto asked. But Jeongwoo just gave him a cold shoulder and said-

"Come on we're gonna be late."

It was unusual for Jeongwoo to act like that, but he had his reason. He didn't want to fall deeper for his bestfriend than he already has. Somehow, it made Haruto feel hurt, he wasn't used to Jeongwoo acting like this.

And the latter ignoring him only made things worse. Was he mad at him? Did he do something wrong? He was not able to read his friend's expression at all.

He just decided to follow Jeongwoo who was walking without saying anything. Even though the noises of people and cars on the road surrounded them, it still felt too silent.

"How's your headache today?" Haruto said attempting to lessen the tension between them, but the only answer he got was a small 'I'm fine'.

After a while of walking they stopped before a medium sized house. The right size for a family of three. There were some flowers on the small garden and a cat sleeping peacefully in front of the door. It was exactly the type of house you would see on romance movies.

Jeongwoo went near the door and rang the doorbell once. We waited for a while and then a really pretty woman, maybe in her 40's opened the door.

" Ah, Jeongwoo-yah! Can you please wait for a while, Kyu is getting ready right now." She said and invited both of them inside.

"Are you Jeongwoo's friend? Nice to meet you." She said showing a really bright smile. She looked like a model or even a TV actress.

"Nice to meet you too ma'am. I'm Haruto." He said doing a small bow.

We were currently sitting on the living room. The auntie (?) went to the kitchen and now it was only the both of them - again.

"Yah Jeongwoo-yah! What are we doing here?" He said whispering to his friend who was currently looking around the house.

"Just wait for a while." Jeongwoo said and went back to what he was doing before. Suddenly something caught his eye causing him to stand up which startled Haruto.

Jeongwoo went to the cupboard and started staring at a particular picture. It was a picture of two small boys standing beside each other. One looked mischievous and naughty with a few bandages on is face here and there on his arm, while the other looked like a small shy puppy.

"Is that you?" Haruto said pointing at the mischievous kid in the picture. The latter just nodded before a small smile formed between his lips. Haruto started scanning the picture. It definitely was Jeongwoo. He just looked a bit different for him to recognize. The wide grin on the picture face completely distracted him from paying attention to the other boy.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps coming for the 1st floor catching both of their attention. It sounded like there person was in a hurry or something.

And from the stairs there came...




Sorry for the late update😔
A lot of things is happening with our Teu-land right now.
But I want to thank all of you who stayed and are still supporting our boys💛
Let's pray for Junghwan and Doyoung's fast recovery and also that the other members are safe and healthy💎💛
Thank you for reading💎


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